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Exploring the New Products

Talk you through them and generally kind of get ready with me. So we can create this. Look that Ive got on here, which of course, is pretty much. My signature look bare skin little bit of color and looks like you. So let me show you some newness, because theres lots of it so lets make a start.

Introducing the Brands

Weve got some gorgeous. Evom weve got some Lisa Eldridge weve got some Westman atate and Victoria Beckham some Dr Sam bunting, some Laura Mercier and some Huda. Here we go so first up eom. Now you all know. I love me. Some eom been using it for years, particularly the cleanser, which Ill get on to a little bit later, although Im not going to be showcasing that today, but if you use the code weighing 20 youll get 20 off. Hurrah who doesnt love a code?

The Excitement of Eblom Daily Rejuvenating Cream

Okay, eblom daily! Rejuvenating cream, so this is one of those standout lines from elom and believe believe me, when I say I didnt think anything could get any better than the iconic cleanser that I just mentioned now. This is a daily rejuvenating cream and its gentle enough for twice daily use. If you wish now, this features amongst many others, liposome encapsulated retinol and Prebiotic Oak kernel. Now I dont really know what that means now. Dont get me wrong. Dont get me wrong. I know what retinol is, but you know what I mean. I also dont know how a car works, and yet I can benefit from one without being an electrician.

The Divine Smell and Luxurious Texture

Now, let’s talk about the new product that has brought me the most fun while filming – it smells absolutely divine. The texture is on the thicker side, yet it absorbs into the skin really easily. It might sound a bit silly, but you can feel that it’s working even before you see the results. The level of hydration it brings is something you need to feel to believe. Your skin feels soft, firm, plump, and more elastic after using this cream.

The Perfect Skin Prep

This product not only enhances your skin, but it also makes for a wonderful skin prep before applying makeup. Everything glides on like silk, creating a smooth canvas for your makeup. And the best part? Even after washing it off at the end of the day, your skin still feels hydrated. It’s quite extraordinary, isn’t it?

Gentle Application for Healthy Aging

When using this cream, remember to be gentle with your skin. Massage it in softly, ensuring that your skin feels satisfied with the application. We all want to age gracefully and healthily, so avoid tugging too much at your skin. Use as much or as little of the cream as you need to achieve that perfect balance of hydration and nourishment.

The Glorious Combination for Ultimate Skin Care

For the ultimate skin care routine, try combining the daily rejuvenating cream during the day and the radiance repair retinol at night. This combination not only nourishes your skin but also smooths and exfoliates it, thanks to the AHA content. It’s a glorious duo that will leave your skin feeling rejuvenated and revitalized.

Plumping & Radiant Skin

You’ll get the Plumping just alternate between day and night. You’ll be pleased, so quick story before we move on eom is a very, very interesting to me, the lady herself. I actually saw her once I didn’t speak to her because I was just not one of those PE kind of people that will go up to People, but I saw in a store in London – and this was all over a decade ago and oh, she had the most beautiful skin I’ve ever seen. It was gorgeous.

Natural Beauty

She had her hair slipped completely back. There was a single shred of makeup on her entire face. She had the most radiant skin and what was so phenomenal about her was that her skin was glorious and radiant, but she allowed herself to age. There was no Botox, no fillers nothing, and it was.

Incredible Transformation

It. Just was incredible to see it because we’re so bombarded with. All of that kind of stuff now that to see this glorious woman with all her glory and her age and her beauty practicing what she preaches it. It’s incredible.

The Best Cleanser

I’ve been using the cleanser for oh 22, 23 years now and it is still hands down the best. Cleanser on the planet, it cleanses it tones it exfoliates it moisturizes, it does everything it takes off. Everything on your face: it doesn’t irritate the eyes I’m a massive Eon fan.

Innovative Brand

I think what she did with the brand was incredible and continues to be incredible.

The Dr Sam Bunting Flawless Cleansing Water

If you’re in need of a quick and easy cleansing solution that won’t irritate your skin, look no further than Dr Sam Bunting’s Flawless Cleansing Water. This gentle cleanser not only takes off all your makeup effortlessly, but also preps your skin for the next steps in your skincare routine. Dr Sam Bunting’s products have always received rave reviews, and this cleansing water is no exception. It’s no wonder I can’t get enough of it.

Makeup Time with Laura Mercier

Now, let’s dive into some makeup products starting with Laura Mercier’s Flawless Foundation. This foundation is truly unique as it provides a radiant finish that leaves your skin looking glowing and flawless. It’s like a serum that enhances your natural beauty. While it’s perfect for those with normal or dry skin, even those with oily skin can enjoy it. The dewy nature of this foundation may not be for everyone, but personally, I think it’s fantastic. With light to medium coverage that is buildable, this foundation is a must-have in your makeup collection. I’ve heard great things about the concealer too, but I haven’t gotten my hands on it yet – definitely something I need to add to my stash.

Exploring New Products

The excitement of trying out new products is always a thrill. The opportunity to delve into the world of beauty and experiment with different items is something that brings joy to many. The lightweight feel of these new products adds to the overall appeal, making them easy and satisfying to use. It’s a small detail, but one that can make a big difference in how a product is perceived and enjoyed.

The Beauty of Contouring

Contouring has become a popular trend in the world of makeup, and for good reason. When done correctly, it can add depth and dimension to the face, creating a more sculpted and defined look. The contouring sticks in question are not only effective but also conveniently sized. The ability to easily apply and blend the product is essential, and these contouring sticks deliver on that front. The end result is a subtle, sun-kissed glow that enhances natural features without overpowering them.

Adding a Pop of Color

After contouring, the next step is to add a touch of color to the cheeks and lips. The Westman Atelier products in Petal and Poppet offer a beautiful range of shades that can instantly brighten up the skin. The cream blushers are a personal favorite, as they provide a natural and radiant finish that complements any look. The versatility of using lipsticks as cream blushers is a fun and effective way to experiment with different makeup techniques.

The Excitement of Filming New Products

Just so you know, and you probably got a million of them. I love cream blusher. Everything about blusher is the most perfect thing in the whole wide world because it brightens up one’s complexion. It makes you look healthy and well and vibrant and delightful, even if you’re not feeling it and I’m not feeling it today, but damn I look well. ‘Cause I’ve got a bit of blusher on and that’s all I like. I love it; great product, a bit expensive, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous last and age Blends out like a dream. What more could you ask for nothing there? You go Lisa, elderd, hello, lover.

The Magic of Liquid Liner

Okay, so we’ve got a mascara here and we’ve got a liquid liner. Firstly, the liquid liner is incredibly waterproof. Very, very, very, very black; can do marvelous things with it. I’m not that great with liquid liner shaky hand, I’m also blind, so it’s not good. For me, I love to use it on the lashes to prime the lashes, or for somebody like me that doesn’t like to wear mascara, you can darken your lashes, it’s waterproof, it’s not going to go anywhere. They look really black, really stand out, and guess what? It’s gorgeous, and it also works as a primer before your mascara.

The Allure of Mascara

Now here’s the mascara. This is a grown-up mascara. That is the only way I would describe it, kitten lash, it’s a grown-up mascara. I hope you understand what I mean when I say that there’s no bells or whistles or gimmicks; it just works, really, really well.

The Perfect Mascara

You can lengthen now I’m not going to be doing massive amounts here, but it will lengthen it will thicken slightly, but it separates it. Doesn’t clump, it’s a grown-up mascara for grown-up people. It’s probably one of my favorite mascaras that I’ve used recently, it’s that good. Congratulations, Easter, Al! You are, of course, a beautiful person, but you create beautiful products.

Matte All the Way

I need to try more and finally let’s just mattify the face down because everything’s a bit shiny and we don’t want that. Might be able to tell I’ve had a couple of coffees today. Didn’t sleep particularly well last night, I’m a little bit hyper. Let’s do Huda Beauty. Now this is the Easy Bake and Snatch. Honestly, these names, is that necessary, but it’s a really nice pressed powder. It comes in a multitude of shades. I’m going to use Cupcake and all I’m going to do is take down the shine because as much as I love radiance and gloriousness, I don’t particularly want to walk around with a very, very shiny face. I like it around the outside perimeters, don’t get me wrong, but not all over. It’s a little too much. I like the T Zone to be matte, and, and it works great for this. It does, it works really, really, really well and that, my friends, completes not only the look which is gorgeous, but these new products, and most of them are new products.

The Unexpected Joy of Filming with New Products

Eve LOM is certainly new for me. I’ve only been using it now for o two two and a bit weeks. Nearly three weeks, it’s firmer don’t, forget to use the code w20 just saying. This makeup: Lisa Bridge brand new cleansing water I’ve not used before, which was wonderful. The Laura Mercier um real skin real Flawless I’ve just broke it real Flawless, that’s wonderful, its just such wonderful products.

A Fresh Perspective on Skincare and Makeup

They how nice to make a video on such wonderful products because they exist out there, whether its skincare and looking after your skin and aging well and gracefully and gorgeously, or the makeup which just enhances is everything you’ve been doing to your skin. So that you don’t need to wear that much makeup unless you want to, but why would you want to if you got good skin right?

The Delightful Moment of Discovery

I know what I need. I need a little bit more coffee. This is one of the greatest inventions, it’s an AM Ember mug, and it keeps it hot and I don’t like to drink coffee, um or any hot drink like straight away. I like to let it wait and its you can’t even see it now, but it’s got this light on it here. There is a light here and it keeps it hot for a couple of hours anyway.

Showing Appreciation for Quality Products

Thanks for watching all the information on these gorgeous products in the description bar along with links and don’t forget the discount code for eom she’s great brand evom weigh 20 get 20 Off it’s all good, thank you so much for watching.

The Excitement of Filming New Products

The thrill of unboxing new products and showcasing them on camera is indescribable. The anticipation leading up to filming day is always palpable, with thoughts racing about how the products will perform and how they will be received by viewers.

The Creative Process Unleashed

Filming new products allows for a surge of creativity to flow freely. From setting up the perfect shot to scripting the video, every aspect of the filming process presents an opportunity to think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas to showcase the products in the best light.

The Chaos of Too Much Coffee

However, with great excitement comes great caffeine consumption. Too much coffee can sometimes lead to jittery hands and over-the-top enthusiasm that may need to be toned down during filming. It’s a balancing act between staying alert and focused while also ensuring a smooth and professional presentation of the products.

The Joy of Seeing the Final Product

Once the filming is complete and the editing process begins, the true joy comes from seeing the final product come together. Watching the footage back and seeing how the products shine on screen is incredibly satisfying and makes all the hard work and caffeine-fueled chaos worth it.

The Constant Pursuit of Improvement

Filming new products is an ongoing learning process. Each video presents new challenges and opportunities for growth, pushing the boundaries of creativity and technical skills. It’s a journey of constant improvement and evolution, always striving to produce better content with each new filming experience.

Filming new products has been an exciting and intriguing experience. Exploring various brands and products, such as Evom, Lisa Eldridge, Westman Atate, Victoria Beckham, Dr. Sam Bunting, Laura Mercier, and Huda, has opened up a whole new world of beauty possibilities. The Eblom Daily Rejuvenating Cream, with its innovative ingredients like liposome-encapsulated retinol and Prebiotic Oak kernel, has left me intrigued and excited to try more. Despite not fully understanding all the technical details, the joy of discovering and sharing new beauty products is truly an exhilarating experience.

The joy of filming and testing out new beauty products is an experience like no other. From exploring the benefits of contouring to adding a pop of color with cream blushers, the process is both enjoyable and rewarding. Each product brings its own unique qualities and benefits, making the filming process a delight from start to finish. With the right tools and techniques, the possibilities for creating stunning looks are endless.

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