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Products I'm No Longer Buying đźš« (part 2)

Products I'm No Longer Buying đźš« (part  2)

Heavily Scented Body Lotions

I used to be a fan of heavily scented body lotions. In fact, there were certain products that I thought I really enjoyed and that were super overhyped on the internet. The Brazilian bum bum Cream, for example, was a lotion that I happily used up with no problem. However, as I have embarked on a journey to simplify my life and skincare routine, I have come to realize that heavily scented body lotions are not for me.

Allergic Reactions

It’s interesting to note that while I always knew I reacted strongly to scented products on my face, I never really made the connection with my body. I used to assume that the bumps I would get after applying body lotions were a result of my allergy to my cat Marill. But after some experimentation, I realized that it was the heavily scented lotions causing the issue.

Simplifying Skincare

As I made a conscious effort to simplify my skincare routine, I decided to eliminate products that were causing any negative reactions. This included heavily scented body lotions. Not only do these lotions irritate my skin, but they also add unnecessary fragrances to my daily life. I now opt for unscented, gentle moisturizers that nourish my skin without causing any irritation.

Conscious Consumption

In an attempt to consume less and lead a more sustainable lifestyle, I have been mindful of the products I bring into my everyday life. Heavily scented body lotions not only clutter my bathroom shelf, but they also contribute to unnecessary waste. By no longer purchasing these products, I am able to reduce my environmental impact and simplify my personal care routine.

Finding What Works

The process of eliminating heavily scented body lotions from my life has been a journey of self-discovery. It has taught me to pay attention to the ingredients in the products I use and listen to my body’s reactions. By finding what works for me and eliminating what doesn’t, I am able to create a skincare routine that is both effective and enjoyable.

Heavily Scented Lotions: A No-Go

The little arm bumps and itchy chicken skin on my arms have left me perplexed. I can’t quite recall the exact definition of the condition, but it’s enough to make me want to find a solution. Every day, I strive to minimize these irritations and remove any potential triggers from my routine. But am I willing to give up fragrance altogether? Absolutely not. I derive immense pleasure from smelling good and believe it to be an integral part of my life. However, I have come to the realization that I can eliminate heavily scented lotions from my body care regimen. These products, with their lingering fragrances, are no longer finding a place in my shopping cart.

Waterproof Mascara: A Never-Ending Battle

Waterproof mascara is a product that I have always had reservations about. I am well aware that I have sensitive eyes and detest the arduous removal process it entails. However, there have been moments when I succumb to the temptation of trying it out. Perhaps it’s the allure of online recommendations claiming it to be the most long-lasting option or the hype surrounding a particular brand. Nevertheless, every single time I decide to give waterproof mascara a chance, I am reminded of why I swore off it in the first place.

The end of the day arrives, and as I begin the laborious process of removing the mascara, my eyes start to suffer. It takes me a good 20 minutes and four different products to slowly wipe away every trace of the stubborn mascara. Tears stream down my face, leaving my eyes red and irritated. In those moments of frustration, I question why I allowed myself to be enticed by the lure of waterproof mascara once again.

The struggle to remove this seemingly innocent cosmetic product has led me to the realization that it is not worth the time, effort, and discomfort it brings. From now on, waterproof mascara will no longer find its way into my makeup collection. I have learned my lesson, and it’s time to embrace more eye-friendly alternatives.

Sometimes, it takes a persistent cycle of trial and error to truly grasp the impact certain products have on our daily lives. The quest for personal improvement often leads us down unexpected paths, making us question our choices and reassess our habits. By acknowledging the products I am no longer buying, I am taking a step towards a more mindful and conscientious approach to self-care and beauty.

Why I’m No Longer Buying Waterproof Mascara

I am over it, and especially because I do have more sensitive eyeballs. My eyes are always red on a good day and just like further irritating that I just I have no interest. I want no part in waterproof mascaras. I think used to be a really fun thing that we would do on YouTube as part of the beauty review process. You know its nice and click bity to be jumping into a pool and be like. Does this waterproof makeup work, but I dont care.

I dont. Wear mascara on half of my days, Im not wearing mascara, while Im jumping in a pool, so I want no part in waterproof mascara anymore. It hurts my eyes and Im over it.

Bye Bye Powder Contours

This ones a big one, uh product number, three, that Im no longer purchasing. In my makeup, world are powder Contours and when I was going through my makeup collection, I realized that Ive actually pretty nicely condensed that section of my makeup already, I found three. I have three powder Contours in my life Im not going to go. Throw these in the garbage. Okay, the Kevin aucoin powder. Contour is a relic at this point, but it is a product that I really do not reach for anymore and its something that has come with condensing my everyday makeup routine.

I feel like we used to very strictly use like okay, weve got a cream. Contour weve got a powder Contour because you have to set in that powder and then you want to use a cream bronzer to warm up your face.

Why I’ve Stopped Using Powder Contour

I used to believe that a powder bronzer was a crucial part of my makeup routine. It was what I used to set everything in place. However, lately, I’ve realized that finding a good shade of a cream contouring bronzing product is all I need. Gradually, I have phased out powder contour from my makeup routine, and I can’t see myself going back to it anytime soon.

Moving Away from Excessive Bronzers and Contours

Speaking of contours and bronzers, let’s talk about the category as a whole. In my previous video, I mentioned how I am making an effort to use up the products in my makeup collection. I have to admit that I went overboard with the amount of bronzing, contouring, and highlighting products I accumulated. As you can see here, I have so many that haven’t been touched in ages. They simply collect dust and serve no purpose other than being props for my beauty influencer persona.

Reevaluating the Need for Unused Products

I am more than happy to review and showcase new products as a beauty influencer. However, there comes a point where you look at the vast amount of unused products and realize that you don’t want this anymore. It’s time to declutter and focus on using what I already have. It’s a conscious effort to resist the temptation of new products and instead appreciate and get the most out of the ones already in my collection.

Embracing a Minimalistic Approach

Nowadays, my goal is to simplify my makeup routine and opt for multi-purpose products. This not only saves me time but also allows me to streamline my collection. By finding a cream contouring bronzing product that suits me well, I no longer feel the need for an array of different powders and palettes.

No More Makeup Products

I believe that I could live many lifetimes and still never be able to use up all of these products, so it is a point where, if something is new, if there is a new innovation, if there is something that has never been seen before, I am more than happy to review it, no problem. But if it is not replacing something that already exists in my very abundant makeup collection or if something is discontinued and you’re no longer able to purchase it, which is happening a lot, then it’s a different story.

My lip and cheek collection, for example, has a lot of shades that have been discontinued and don’t exist anymore. It’s very sad, and I know that’s going to be the case for a lot of these products. The Becca bronzers, for instance, are a case in point. But I just do not need any more. My collection of powder and cream contours, bronzers, and highlighters is abundant and full. I am going to make a true attempt to make my way through some of these products that I already have in my makeup collection before purchasing anything new. So contour bronzers and highlights in the powder and cream categories, I am taking many firm steps back.

Goodbye Hair Fragrances

I just realized that the next product on my list could have definitely gone after the first thing that we mentioned, but regardless, the next product that I am no longer buying is hair perfume or any smelling product specifically made for hair.

These products can be expensive, and I’ve noticed that I rarely reach for them. They might have a nice scent, but they often don’t last long or do much to improve the overall health or appearance of my hair. It’s just an extra step in my routine that I don’t feel is necessary.

Furthermore, I’ve found that some of these products can leave a residue or make my hair feel greasy. I prefer to let my natural hair scent shine through rather than masking it with an artificial fragrance.

Instead of spending money on hair fragrances, I am focusing on investing in high-quality hair care products that will nourish and strengthen my hair from within. These products may not have a strong scent, but they provide long-term benefits that make a real difference.

No More Impulse Buys

One of the biggest changes I’ve made in my shopping habits is avoiding impulsive purchases. In the past, I would often buy products on a whim without considering whether I really needed them or if they would truly enhance my beauty routine.

I’ve learned that impulse buys usually end up sitting unused in my collection or being discarded after just a few uses. They often don’t live up to the hype or provide the results I was expecting.

Instead of giving in to the allure of new and shiny products, I now take the time to research and read reviews before making a purchase. I consider whether the product fills a gap in my collection or truly offers something unique and valuable.

This more mindful approach to shopping has not only saved me money but also helped me appreciate the products I already have. It has made me more discerning and intentional in my beauty purchases, leading to a more curated and satisfying collection.</

Hair Perfumes

In recent times, I have come across a plethora of hair perfumes. These have been everywhere – whether it’s people talking about it in their daily routines or companies sending it to me for review. But I can’t help but question the purpose of a hair perfume. Why am I feeling the need to buy yet another fragrance for my hair when I already apply so much scent to my body?

I already use various scented hair care products, including leave-in conditioners and other treatments. On top of that, I spritz my favorite fragrance on myself to complete my daily routine. So, the idea of investing in a separate fragrance for my hair seems excessive. What exactly does a hair perfume do? Is it meant to condition or hydrate my hair? From what I’ve seen, it appears to be nothing more than a regular fragrance packaged in a different bottle. Frankly, I fail to understand the need for such a product and therefore have no interest in buying it.

One-Time Clothing Items

Here’s something I’ve been feeling strongly about for a while now, and it’s a bit ironic because I’ve found myself in this predicament numerous times in the past. I’ve had the privilege of attending various brand trips and events, which always excite me immensely. The prospect of dressing up, capturing the experience on film, and expressing myself through fashion choices is something I thoroughly enjoy. It allows me to break free from the monotony of my daily closet items and explore new styles.

However, I’ve noticed a pattern of purchasing one-time clothing items for these events. It’s often tempting to buy something new for each occasion, especially when there’s pressure to look perfect and stand out. But when the event is over, I find myself questioning the necessity of buying these items. They end up sitting in my closet, barely worn, as they don’t fit into my regular lifestyle.

This realization has made me reconsider my approach to event outfits. Instead of succumbing to the pressure and indulging in one-time purchases, I intend to focus more on strategic styling and making the most of what I already have. It’s a decision I feel strongly about, even though there may be times when I’ll regret not splurging on a new dress or accessory for an event.

Hair perfumes and one-time clothing items are two products I no longer find myself buying. Hair perfumes seem redundant, given the number of scented hair care products and fragrances I already use. Meanwhile, one-time clothing items are a temptation that doesn’t align with my goal of curating a more sustainable and intentional wardrobe. By opting out of these purchases, I hope to eliminate unnecessary clutter in my life and make well-informed choices that truly enhance my everyday experiences.

Obscure Dress Codes

Being invited to brand trips or events is always exciting and a great opportunity to connect with others in the industry. However, one aspect that has caused me some distress is the last-minute dress codes that are sometimes provided. It’s like receiving a surprise test with no time to prepare.

Panic Shopping

There have been numerous occasions where I’ve received a dress code just days before the event. Initially, I would feel grateful for the notice, thinking it would give me enough time to plan my outfit accordingly. But alas, it would often turn out to be an obscure dress code, such as all pink or metallic.

The pressure to conform to the dress code and find an appropriate outfit in such a short amount of time can be overwhelming. It becomes a race against the clock, rushing from store to store, hoping to stumble upon the perfect ensemble. And even when I do find something suitable, it often ends up being a purchase I regret.

Avoiding the Outcast Effect

While I could technically choose to attend the event without adhering to the dress code, it always comes with consequences. Standing out like a sore thumb is not something I relish. Picture me at an all-pink party in a green dress the odd one out. It’s a situation that inevitably attracts attention, but not the kind I desire.

Unworn Investments

The sad truth is that many of these last-minute outfit purchases end up being worn only once, if at all. I invest a significant amount of money in these pieces, only for them to gather dust in my closet afterward. It’s disheartening to see perfectly good clothing go to waste, simply because it doesn’t align with my personal style or fit into my existing wardrobe.

Unfortunately, this dress code dilemma is not unique to me. Many people in similar situations find themselves succumbing to the pressure and making impulsive purchases. We are driven by the fear of being seen as the odd one out, rather than making conscious fashion choices.

A Plea for Consideration

In an ideal world, event organizers would provide dress codes well in advance, allowing attendees to plan accordingly and perhaps even integrate the pieces into their existing wardrobe. But alas, this seems to be a rare occurrence.

I urge event organizers to consider the impact of last-minute dress codes on attendees. It creates unnecessary stress and financial burden, not to mention the waste that results from one-time use clothing.

The pressure to conform to obscure dress codes at brand trips and events has led me to reevaluate my shopping habits. It’s time to break free from the cycle of panic shopping and focus on making sustainable fashion choices that align with my personal style. Let’s hope that future events will provide ample notice for dress codes or reconsider their importance altogether.

The Benefits of Clothing Rentals

In today’s fast-paced world, fashion trends come and go in the blink of an eye. As a result, many people, including myself, are starting to reevaluate their spending habits when it comes to clothing. In this article, I want to delve deeper into the world of clothing rentals and why I have decided to no longer purchase certain products.

Dress Codes and the Element of Surprise

One issue that often frustrates me is the lack of notice given for dress codes at events. It seems that organizers assume everyone is well-versed in the appropriate attire for different occasions. To avoid such predicaments in the future, it would be beneficial for event planners to provide sufficient notice regarding dress codes.

Exploring the Clothing Rental Scene

To prevent any last-minute fashion disasters, I have decided to explore the realm of clothing rentals. Many influencers and content creators in the United States and the United Kingdom have spoken highly of this option. Intrigued by their reviews, I decided to investigate further.

Finding the Right Fit

While there are numerous clothing rental companies available, finding the perfect fit can be a challenge. Personally, I stumbled upon Fitzroy rentals in Toronto, but unfortunately, their selection of beautiful dresses only catered to smaller sizes. This experience highlighted the need for more inclusive options in the market.

Seeking Recommendations from Canadian Fashionistas

As a Canadian, I am eager to tap into the clothing rental space for upcoming events and brand trips. However, I need your help, my fellow Canadian fashion enthusiasts. If you know of any clothing rental companies that cater to a variety of sizes, I would greatly appreciate your recommendations. Let’s help each other embrace the concept of sustainable fashion and minimize the amount of money wasted on one-time wear items.

Embracing the Sustainable Fashion Movement

The main reason for my shift towards clothing rentals is the desire to contribute to the sustainability of the fashion industry. The continuous cycle of purchasing and discarding clothing has a detrimental impact on the environment. By renting clothes, we can significantly reduce waste and promote a more eco-friendly approach to fashion.

Looking Ahead to 2024 and Beyond

As I prepare for future events and brand trips, I am excited to embrace the rental culture. The prospect of trying out different styles and designs without the guilt of excessive spending is truly appealing. I believe that by adopting this mindset, we can transform the way we view fashion and make a positive impact on the planet.

My decision to no longer purchase certain products stems from a desire to embrace the sustainable fashion movement and minimize waste. Exploring the world of clothing rentals has opened my eyes to an alternative way of enjoying fashion without the burden of one-time wear items. With your help, I hope to discover more rental options in Canada and inspire others to join me on this journey towards a more sustainable future.

The Clothing Conundrum

Clothing shopping has always been an enticing activity for many people. The thrill of finding the perfect outfit and the joy of wearing something new can be irresistible. However, upon reflection, I have come to realize that I have accumulated a plethora of clothing items that have merely taken up space in my closet. It is time for a change.

Reimagining Wardrobe Creativity

Instead of mindlessly purchasing new clothes, I have made a conscious decision to be more creative with the clothing that I already own. There is no shame in re-wearing items, and I have no qualms about doing so. However, there are certain special occasions, such as bachelorette parties with metallic-themed dress codes, that often lead to impulsive buying. I confess to having bought an orangey, sequin sparkle dress for such an event, only for it to gather dust in my closet afterward. Instead, I will strive to make better use of the clothes I already have.

The Rise of Clothing Rentals

In an effort to reduce my collection of one-time wear items, I have set a goal to explore clothing rental services. Renting clothes allows me to indulge in fashion trends without the guilt of adding more clutter to my wardrobe. This way, I can enjoy wearing fashionable outfits while being mindful of sustainability and reducing my carbon footprint. Renting clothes is not only a practical solution but also a fulfilling one as it aligns with my values of minimalism and environmental consciousness.

The Lingering Lingerie Dilemma

One specific category of clothing that I have felt pressured to buy but seldom use is lingerie. Frilly, lacy lingerie bits can be aesthetically pleasing, but they often end up as decorative pieces rather than functional ones in my life. As a result, I have decided to forgo purchasing lingerie altogether. While I cannot deny the allure of various lingerie designs, the reality is that they do not serve a practical purpose in my day-to-day life. Therefore, I have made a firm decision to resist the temptation of buying lingerie and instead focus on investing my resources in items that bring more value and utility to my wardrobe.

This journey of refraining from purchasing unnecessary clothing items has brought about a newfound sense of liberation. By being more mindful of my shopping habits and exploring alternative options like clothing rentals, I can embrace a more sustainable approach to fashion. Letting go of societal pressures to own every trendy item and instead valuing creativity and practicality has allowed me to find a sense of fulfillment in curating a more purposeful wardrobe.

The Temptation of Lingerie and Frilly Things

All these little two-piece sets and fancy little frilly bedtime things and hany Panky time things. First of all, I do not have the drawer space for this. This little section of my drawer is positively oozing out and heaping out. It’s overwhelming.

The Pressure to Buy Lingerie

One of my earlier memories is feeling pressured into buying lingerie and pretty little frilly bits for underneath my clothes. Blame the media, I guess. I often think of that movie, The Devil Wears Prada. It’s filled with all these fancy fabulous fashion scenes, where the girls are getting dressed in the morning, putting on beautiful little pieces of lingerie. And I must admit, I’ve fallen for it too.

It’s hard not to feel influenced by what we see in magazines and online. We all want to feel amazing under our skin. I remember thinking, “Yeah, I want to have a nice matching set. It’s so pretty.” So, I tried. I really did.

The Failed Attempts

I must have bought so many. There was this one store, Fortnite, in Toronto. I thought to myself, “I just need to wear more beautiful things in my undergarments.” So, I went all in and bought around three or four of these beautiful matching sets. And let me tell you, they looked stunning.

The Reality Check

But then reality hit. I put on one of these sets and looked in the mirror. Sure, it was nice, but I couldn’t help feeling perplexed. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t comfortable. It felt like I was wearing someone else’s clothes, someone else’s idea of what sexy should be.

And that’s when it hit me. I don’t need all these fancy frills to feel confident and beautiful. In fact, they were just taking up space in my drawer, both physically and mentally. So, I made the decision. No more buying these unnecessary products.

The Liberation

Now, my drawer is free of these impractical undergarments. I’ve discovered that I can feel just as amazing in simple, comfortable pieces. No more worrying about matching sets or intricate designs. I choose what feels right for me, what makes me feel like myself.

It’s liberating to let go of the pressure to conform to society’s idea of beauty. I no longer buy into the idea that I need fancy frilly things to feel good about myself. I embrace who I am, flaws and all. And let me tell you, it’s a lot more satisfying than any fancy lingerie could ever be.

The Need for Comfort

When it comes to my undergarments and what I wear beneath my clothing, comfort is paramount. The softness and comfort of these garments is of utmost importance to me, and unfortunately, many of the products available in the market fail to meet this criterion. Oftentimes, these items can be stiff, structured, and adorned with lace that has a tendency to itch and irritate. I have no tolerance for such discomfort any longer.

A Collection Gone to Waste

I have come to realize that a significant portion of my undergarment collection remains untouched. They have been relegated to the bottom of my drawer, unappreciated and unworn. In fact, some of these items were worn once at most before being cast aside. It is disheartening to think about the money wasted on these neglected pieces.

The Pressure to Wear Lingerie

There is a pervasive notion that in order to have a good day, one must wear lingerie. I cannot emphasize enough how untrue and unnecessary this belief is for my own personal happiness and comfort. I do not need fancy sets, lacy bits, or uncomfortable undergarments to feel good about myself. All I desire is the simplicity of comfortable, seamless, stretchy, soft cotton underpants and bras that are optional, as I often go without.

Respecting Choices

It is important to note that my rejection of lingerie is in no way a judgment on those who choose to wear it. Many individuals feel amazing and empowered by wearing these ensembles, and I fully respect their choices. If it makes them feel sexy and fabulous, and if it enhances intimacy with their partners, then it serves a purpose in their lives. But for me, the pressure to conform to societal expectations and wear uncomfortable lingerie is simply unnecessary.

Plastic Bottles: A Wasted Resource

Plastic bottles have become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives. They are convenient, lightweight, and easily accessible. However, after evaluating the impact they have on the environment, I have decided to eliminate them from my purchasing list. Plastic bottles are not only detrimental to our planet, but they also contribute to the ever-increasing problem of plastic pollution. The production, transportation, and disposal of these bottles require an enormous amount of energy and resources, further exacerbating the ecological crisis we face. Instead, I have chosen to invest in reusable bottles made from more sustainable materials like glass or stainless steel. By doing so, I am taking a small step towards reducing my carbon footprint.

Fast Fashion: A Detrimental Cycle

The allure of fast fashion used to captivate me, with its low prices and trendy designs. However, I have come to realize the detrimental impact the industry has on the environment and human rights. Fast fashion promotes a culture of disposable clothing, encouraging consumers to constantly purchase new items, leading to massive textile waste. The production process of these garments is often exploitative, with workers paid minimal wages in unsafe conditions. By abstaining from fast fashion brands, I am choosing to support sustainable fashion labels that prioritize ethical production and use eco-friendly materials. It is a small but necessary step towards a more conscious and responsible approach to fashion.

Single-Use Plastics: A Perilous Convenience

Single-use plastics have proliferated our lives and wreaked havoc on our environment. From plastic bags to straws, these items are used once and then discarded, contributing to landfill waste and endangering marine life. To reduce my consumption of single-use plastics, I have made significant changes in my daily habits. I now carry a reusable shopping bag with me at all times, say no to plastic straws, and opt for reusable containers for food storage. While these changes may seem minor, they contribute to the larger effort of curbing plastic waste and protecting our planet’s fragile ecosystems.

Chemical-laden Cleaning Products: A Health Hazard

Cleaning products, although essential for maintaining a clean and hygienic home, can often be laden with harmful chemicals. These chemicals not only pose a risk to our health but also contaminate the environment. To minimize my exposure to such toxic substances, I have started using natural and eco-friendly cleaning alternatives. With ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils, I can effectively clean my home without compromising my well-being or the health of the planet. Making this switch has not only reduced my exposure to harmful toxins but has also made my cleaning routine more enjoyable and rewarding.

Excessive Packaging: A Symbol of Waste

In our consumer-driven society, excessive packaging has become the norm. Products are unnecessarily overpackaged, leading to excessive waste that ends up in landfills. To combat this issue, I have made a conscious effort to choose products with minimal packaging or packaging that is made from recycled and biodegradable materials. By doing so, I am making a statement against wastefulness and supporting brands that prioritize sustainable packaging practices. It may require a bit more effort to seek out these products, but the positive impact on the environment is well worth it.

The Journey Continues…

As I reflect on my decision to eliminate these

I have decided to no longer purchase heavily scented body lotions. Through my journey of simplifying my life and skincare routine, I have realized that these products do not align with my values and goals. Instead, I opt for unscented, gentle moisturizers that nourish my skin without causing any adverse reactions. By consciously consuming less and making thoughtful choices, I am able to lead a more intentional and sustainable lifestyle.

I’m on a journey to redefine my relationship with makeup products. The focus is now on quality rather than quantity. Letting go of excessive products and embracing a minimalistic approach brings a sense of clarity and purpose to my beauty routine. It’s a gradual process, but one that I’m committed to, as it allows me to make the most of what I already have.

Lingerie, with all its allure, has lost its appeal to me. The numerous discomforts associated with it have led me to firmly decide to no longer invest in these products. Instead, I will focus on finding undergarments that prioritize comfort and seamlessly integrate into my daily routine. After all, a good day is not determined by what I wear underneath, but rather how I feel in my own skin.

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