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I Can’t Believe This … I Can’t Believe This …

I Can't Believe This ...

I Can't Believe This ...

Gamechanging Skincare Technology

There is a secret tool that is causing waves in the world of beauty and skincare. A device that promises to revolutionize your skincare routine and transform your skin like never before.

Unveiling the Magic

This device is not just any ordinary tool. It is a gamechanger, a miracle worker that delivers results beyond your wildest imagination. Say goodbye to fine lines, dullness, and uneven skin texture.

The Ultimate Beauty Companion

Imagine a device that can do it all. A device so powerful that it can replace all your other skincare gadgets. This is the beauty tool that you never knew you needed, but now can’t live without.

A New Era of Skincare

Gone are the days of expensive med spa treatments and injections. With this device, you can achieve flawless, youthful skin without ever leaving your home. It’s like having a professional facial every day.

The Power of LED Lights

One of the standout features of this device is its LED lights that target various skincare concerns. From acne to wrinkles, this device has got you covered. It’s like having a personalized skincare treatment at your fingertips.

The All-In-One Device

You got everything from a purple light, an orange light, a green light, a red light, a blue light were getting rid of bacteria were addressing poor concerns were rejuvenating the skin through LED light therapy. There are also different vibration pulses within each setting and were going to go through all of the different settings that are on this one device.

Versatile Settings

I’m going to turn it on really quick. Just so you guys can see level one booster mode level. Two, you can do the different levels: microcurrent mode level, one microcurrent mode, Dermot mode level, one Dermot mode, air, shot mode level, one airshot mode. Everything you need to firm to stimulate your muscles to get your product to penetrate, really deeply in the skin. This does it all.

Convenience at Its Best

You place this on the skin, whatever setting you’re using let’s say I’m doing like the microcurrent and I’m kind of, like you know, on my shoulder whatever and I’m talking to James and I’m like okay, and I need to tell you this or whatever it will stop at 1 minute and pause. Then, if I’m like I’m ready to go back to my treatment, I’ll make contact with the skin again, and it will start up right at that one minute mark or wherever I left off so it’s so easy to walk around your house or do whatever you’re doing.

Seamless Integration into Your Routine

If you’re with your kids or you’re getting ready and you’re wandering around, you get distracted it doesn’t matter. This device ensures that you can seamlessly integrate skin care into your daily routine without any interruptions.

The Convenience of the Device

One of the most striking aspects of this skincare tool is its convenience. You have the option to start and stop the device at your own pace, without having it run continuously for a set amount of time or beeping at you incessantly. This flexibility allows you to incorporate the device into your daily routine seamlessly, using it multiple times a day if desired.

The Immediate Results

Users of this skincare tool have reported immediate results upon using it. The deep penetration it provides enhances the efficacy of skincare products, allowing for better absorption and ultimately improving the application of makeup. Many have hailed it as the Rolls Royce product of skincare tools, citing its effectiveness and efficiency in enhancing their skincare routines.

The Generous Giveaway

In a surprising turn of events, the creator of this skincare tool has decided to give away a hundred of these devices to their audience. This giveaway, in partnership with Medic Cube, includes not only the device itself but also a collagen jelly cream to complement its effects. The total value of this giveaway amounts to 52,000, making it one of the most generous offers in the beauty industry.

The Value of the Device

While some may raise their eyebrows at the price tag of this skincare tool, its value becomes apparent when considering the multiple features it offers in one compact device. With functionalities that range from microcurrent to EMS muscle stimulation, the device eliminates the need for multiple gadgets, providing a comprehensive solution for all your skincare needs in one convenient tool.

All-In-One Skin Care Device

This is your all. In one it does everything that you could possibly need for your skin in one device on the app. You can literally track your progress. They have an area for a before and after photo. I have to say when I looked at, that I was like that’s kind of impressive that they’re willing to have a before and after they believe in the product. So much that they’re, like hey, post your before photo, and we know the device is going to work. So the after photo is really going to motivate you to continue using the product.

Trackable Results

It will track what you’re doing each day, which mode you’re using and I think, that’s good to not overuse any one mode to really see like what am I doing every day. With my skin care and just have those trackable results, I think that’s awesome that you get that with this tool and it does it all its. Your am your PM. It does it all.

Discount Code and Giveaway

So this is an expensive item right here for the tati list. We do have a discount code, it’s not an affiliate code. For me, it is tati list 40, that is the biggest discount code we have had for the tati list thus far, and also this is the biggest giveaway that we have hosted so far and I’m so excited for my winners to receive this in the mail and Test it out, try it out. I want to see your before and afters.

Thrilling Experience

When I think about the joy and excitement that comes from hearing back from all of you, my heart swells with happiness. The simple act of sending out packages and handwritten notes, only to receive such positive feedback is truly a thrill like no other. Knowing that the products have made your day and that you love them fills me with a sense of fulfillment and joy. It has been an incredibly fun ride for me, and I am grateful for each and every one of you who has been a part of this journey.

Generous Companies

It’s unbelievable to think that we have companies like medic Cube who are willing to step up and be so generous. Giving away over $50,000 worth of products is no small feat, and I am humbled by their kindness and generosity. It’s heartwarming to see the support and love from everyone involved, and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work with such amazing partners.

New Discoveries

Let’s dive into the world of beauty and skincare as I guide you through my morning routine using this incredible device. Going makeup-free, I am always amazed at the results I get after using this device. Taking the time to pamper my skin, especially before a special event, really makes a difference. The booster mode, with its customizable LED options, is a game-changer. It preps the skin beautifully and enhances the effects of the other modes.

LED Light Therapy

The orange LED booster mode is a must-try for anyone looking to prime their skin. With the ability to customize the LED light in the app, you can tailor it to your skin’s specific needs. The preset orange LED light, combined with the booster mode, provides a powerful LED light therapy experience that leaves your skin glowing and radiant. It’s truly a transformative experience that I can’t believe I have been missing out on for so long.

The Miracle Mode

If you have time for only one in the morning, I would use this mode even just for a minute. Sometimes if I’m in a hurry, I will grab this. I’ll put on my skincare and I do the boosting effect, which is just kind of dragging it. Like lightly we’re not tugging at the skin, we’re just kind of moving the product upward.

The Right Technique

You can use circular motions which I do like to use on the forehead. For some reason, circular motions feel the best on the booster mode on the forehead. If you have a dry patch, you could put some type of heavier oil on the dry patch and focus this, and just do like a focused moment to really press that product deeply into the skin.

The Recent Experience

Something that I did recently. You know my skin has actually not been the greatest over the past month. I’ve been crying a lot, I traveled, my hormones have been here there everywhere and with the loss of my cat. It’s just been a lot. I don’t know, like you go through something like that and I’m like touching my face a lot, and then there were nights where I didn’t take my makeup off and normally, I am A+ in my skin game, but the past month has been rough.

The Unexpected Solution

I ended up getting like kind of a weird breakout through here and what I did was, I took tea tree oil and I was able to actually take this mode. It was surprising to see how effective it was in clearing up my skin after such a challenging period. The boosted effect really helped to rejuvenate my skin and bring back its natural glow.

Unbelievable Skin Transformation

The booster mode and press the product in this is such a substitute for going to a medical, spa or going to a spa and get getting a facial. I feel like you, have everything you need like the power in your own hands to address. Whatever is going on with your skin with a device like this, this increases skin permeability by 785 just makes your skin glow immediately.

Multiple Levels of Customization

There are many level level, four level, five, many woo. There are many different settings as well youre, like my little friend, you know oh shes, so nice shes, like so pleasant too. She just like level one level two all right were going to go into microcurrent mode level, one volumizing this one.

Amazing Results

You are going to want to use on areas that you want to volumize on the face. So I kind of go right in these lines and it kind of vibrates, and I just press upward like I do a lifting. I also go in between the brows and I do a bit of a lifting motion and I dont always use the device for the full set time. You can use it up to 5 minutes, but even a couple of minutes twice a day brings you such great results.

Promoting Youthful Skin

The microcurrent mode is going to promote collagen production, its also going to improve elasticity and help to implement a more toned and lifted. Look to the face, we lose collagen as we age and thats just a fact of life, but we can do something like this to help improve collagen production.

A Real, Dramatic Improvement

So this mode is immediately going to give you a nice effect, but over time, youre going to see a real, dramatic improvement in the texture and firmness of your skin. I love the dermat shot mode, and this is the mode that I use on my neck. My shoulders, like I actually you guys, know, Ive been working out and I did finish Carolyn Gervins iron series. I dont think I announced that because of everything that happened with Puka and travel and all of that, but when I tell you my shoulders definitely were sore.

Relief for Sore Muscles

This tool was so nice to use for my neck, like for my traps for right here, I would crank it up level two, level five. Level five, you guys go slow, go like level one first see what feels good to you. Im not necessarily saying that you should just crank it to five and like go, but on these muscles right here like I can feel that and its just so nice and then also I can handle level five right here.

Tension Release

Because I grind my teeth and this muscle gets so tight, the masseter muscle, oh, my gosh. Ill try to really release it by doing facial massage, but this will get in there and just really go in and flex that muscle and as its releasing you can feel the tension releasing and its so great.

An Awesome Mode

This is also an awesome mode to use.

Revolutionary Device

It is truly unbelievable how a simple device can make such a difference in one’s skincare routine. The idea of using a device to help relieve tension in the face is innovative and surprising. The fact that it does not require a specific conductor gel anymore is a game changer. The flexibility it offers in terms of using any skincare product is remarkable.

Muscle Contractions

The concept of using electrical current to induce muscle contractions for facial rejuvenation is fascinating. The idea of not being able to access all those muscles on our own, but using technology to target specific areas is mind-boggling. The sensation of the muscle contracting and releasing tension is truly amazing and something hard to believe until experienced.

Visible Results

The results of using this device, even after just one use, are astonishing. The immediate lifting effect it provides on the brow and other sagging areas is something that is hard to comprehend until seen in the mirror. The idea that a simple device can help strengthen muscles and lift the skin is incredible.

Airshot Mode

The airshot mode on this device adds an extra element of surprise and effectiveness. The ability to deliver a burst of air to enhance the overall experience is a feature that truly showcases the ingenuity behind this product. It is yet another aspect of this device that makes one say, “I can’t believe this…”

A Nighttime Routine with Surprising Benefits

This is one that I only use at night time and it is recommended to only use at night time if you struggle with breakouts, if you want to just improve the texture of your skin. This is your setting and you dont have to do this every night. I dont do it every night. I do it a couple times a week and I still see a good result, its going to gently exfoliate, the skin with electric needles, and that sounds a little wild, but when you feel it on the skin, you just feel this tiny little prickle, its not painful. At all – and it kind of removes your hair too, which is to me an added bonus but um not to get too crazy into detail.

A Revolutionary Approach

But I guess why not you can kind of smell a little bit literally its like smoothing you out its not like a joke. It really is getting in there electric needles. This is like incredible. Technology is opening up Pathways so that your skin care can sink in more deeply. So this this is like micro needling, but through technology, without any extensive damage to the skin. Now this one does need to be used on a bare face.

An Unexpected Level of Effectiveness

I really find it effective. I do not think you need to do this every night I would start slow and I would not go aggressive on the mode. I would start at level. One see how it goes because this one to me, in my opinion, is the closest mode to something that you would get as a professional procedure at a medical spa, its a wow mode.

The Miracle Collagen Jelly Cream

The LED lights on this product are truly revolutionary. These lights do much more than just brighten up a room – they have the technology to penetrate deep into the skin and work wonders for your complexion. The different modes offer a variety of benefits for your skin, from pore care to sebum control, brightening to volumizing, and even boosting your skincare routine. The customizable vibration modes add an extra element of pampering, making this product a must-have in your beauty arsenal.

The Thick, Luxurious Texture

The collagen jelly cream is like no other product on the market. Its thick consistency gives it a luxurious feel, reminiscent of spreading a rich dessert on your skin. Despite its thickness, it melts effortlessly into the skin, leaving behind a radiant glow. If your skin is in need of rejuvenation, this cream is a game-changer. The Nano collagen formulation is incredibly effective, giving your skin the hydration and nourishment it craves.

The Sensory Experience

Not only does the collagen jelly cream work wonders for your skin, but it also provides a delightful sensory experience. The slight floral scent adds a touch of luxury to your skincare routine, without being overpowering. The texture of the cream is truly unique, offering a level of indulgence that is unmatched by other products on the market. Once you try this cream, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

The Unbelievable Results

After using the collagen jelly cream, you’ll be amazed at the transformation in your skin. Dull, dehydrated skin will be a thing of the past, replaced by a radiant, glowing complexion. The elasticity of your skin will be noticeably improved, leaving you looking youthful and refreshed. Say goodbye to tired, lackluster skin and hello to a revitalized, luminous complexion. This cream is a game-changer, and once you try it, you’ll understand why it’s a skincare must-have.

Glutathione Glow Serum

I can’t believe how amazing the Glutathione Glow Serum is in my skincare collection. It is not only beautiful on its own but also works beautifully under makeup. This serum from Medic Cube is a game-changer with its powerful antioxidant properties. Glutathione helps in fighting against free radicals, making my skin look radiant and healthy.

Vit C Pro Ampule

Another product that I can’t believe how effective it is, is the Vit C Pro Ampule. This potent vitamin C serum leaves my skin feeling rejuvenated and bright. The tingling sensation I get when applying it at night assures me of its potency. The clear labeling on the product detailing its contents is a bonus for me, as I know exactly what I am putting on my skin.

Skincare Routine Tips

One thing I have learned while using these amazing skincare products is the importance of understanding how different ingredients interact with each other. For example, I have discovered that using jelly collagen and vitamin C together may not be the best idea, as they do not always work well together. It is crucial to follow skincare advice and use vitamin C on its own for optimal results.

Final Sealant

Lastly, the final sealant from Medic Cube is a product that I adore. On nights when I’m not using vitamin C, I love to slather this on generously to seal in all the benefits of my skincare routine. The light fragrance and refreshing feel of this product make it a must-have in my nighttime skincare regimen.

Unexpected Benefits

I do also really love using this before makeup. If I dont have time to do like a 15-minute mask and then wash it off or whatever I can do this go into to the device press it all in and then, if theres anything extra on the face I’ll actually take a clean makeup brush and kind Of buff it out and then that’s my primer for the day. I don’t put anything else on top of it, so I do like using it in the morning.

The Excitement Builds

I want to show you guys. This is what the box looks like. I’ve already been boxing everything up, my living room once again is like taken over by the giveaway and I’m so excited about it. I am very very excited for my winners to receive their medic Cube new Booster Pro device, and I want to see it when you guys get it.

Anticipation and Curiosity

I am so like curious if you guys fall in love as quickly as I did, and to hear all about it and to hear how your skincare adventure is going and major major. Thank you to medic Cube for such a generous gift to my audience. That was a lot of product and I’m so happy that I’m able to do this. We’re just going to keep building the tati list bigger and better. If you are not on it, it is free. I will never share your data. It is just something we’re doing here as a community.

Unbelievable Opportunities Await

There are many more things planned outside of just giveaways, so be sure to sign up. I will have that Linked In the description box below, along with the medic Cube website, where you can save 40% off using Tati’s list.

An Unmissable Deal

Go check out their skincare line outside of the devices, their skincare is phenomenal and their devices are A+. The code will not be here for long, so act fast if you’re interested in trying this incredible Booster Pro. Tati approved, a plus. I love it, chef’s kiss.

A Transformative Experience

This has changed my skin so quickly and I will not go without it. All right, you guys, that’s it for this video. Thank you so much for your support and for being here. Congratulations again to my winner and I love you guys so much.

Overall, the Medic Cube skincare products have completely transformed my skincare routine. I can’t believe how beautiful and effective these products are, leaving my skin looking radiant and youthful. With the right combination of ingredients and a consistent routine, achieving glowing skin has never been easier. I am truly amazed at the results these products have delivered, and I can’t wait to continue using them for even better skin health.

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