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Chile, I Started My Own Beauty Brand!!! Introducing Šampion Beauty!

Chile, I Started My Own Beauty Brand!!! Introducing Šampion Beauty!

Introducing ampion Beauty: Taking Control of My Hair Loss Journey

I cannot believe I am doing this video. So, first of all, if you’re new here hi, my name is F. How you doing? I’m here to tell you I did a thing: okay, so backstory… In 2015, I developed alipa Arata and if you don’t know what that is, it is an autoimmune disease that leads to hair loss out of nowhere. My hair exited the chat, and that was one of the most stressful times of my life.

Finding Love for Natural Hair

Okay, and then stress makes the hair loss even worse, so it was really bad, and so that is actually what sparked my love for natural hair. I was already natural, but that situation where I’m losing my hair involuntarily, like it’s one thing if I cut my hair off like I did last year, that’s my choice, but when my hair leaves on its own, no ma’am. And so for that reason, I developed a love for natural hair and as I learned how to treat my body and actually grow my hair back, that’s what started my journey on YouTube.

Fate In the City: A Chance Encounter

That’s where Fate In the City comes in. With the hey Samantha, hold on one time for the one time, on the count of three, one, two, three: Hey Samantha! Okay, so this technically ain’t Samantha ’cause they sold out. I don’t even know if they make it anymore, but she works anyway, y’all. So I started my YouTube channel simply because I dealt with hair loss and if there’s anybody else that I can help on the journey, that’s what I wanted to do.

Introducing ampion Beauty

Fast forward to today, and I am beyond excited to announce the launch of my very own beauty brand: ampion Beauty! This brand is a culmination of my personal hair loss journey and my passion for natural hair care. Through dedicated research, trial, and error, I have developed a range of products that cater to the specific needs of individuals dealing with hair loss or looking to promote hair growth.

ampion Beauty products are crafted with all-natural ingredients that are gentle on the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. Our formulations include a unique blend of vitamins, essential oils, and plant extracts that work together to nourish the hair follicles and strengthen the hair shaft.

Whether you’re dealing with a specific hair loss condition, recovering from hair damage, or simply looking to enhance your hair’s natural beauty, ampion Beauty has a product for you. Our range includes shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, and serums, all designed to target different hair concerns and foster a healthy hair growth environment.

I am incredibly proud of what ampion Beauty represents and the potential it has to make a positive impact on individuals struggling with hair loss. As someone who has experienced the emotional and physical toll of hair loss, I understand the importance of finding effective and natural solutions. With ampion Beauty, I aim to empower individuals to take control of their hair loss journey and embrace their natural beauty.

Introducing ampion Beauty: The Journey Begins

When I started offering tips on hair growth and alopecia, little did I know that it would lead me down a path of discovering hair products and styling techniques. As a social media influencer, I’ve been fortunate enough to share my knowledge and experiences with all of you. However, one particular journey has brought me to this momentous occasion – the launch of my own beauty brand, ampion Beauty.

A Prayer for Hair Growth

While taking care of my body internally, I encountered a moment of despair. Doctors claimed that my hair loss was permanent, and even stylists confirmed this notion. But deep down inside, my spirit refused to accept this reality. I turned to prayer, seeking guidance and faith. And you know what? The answer came to me.

In that spiritual connection, God not only gave me internal solutions, but also a recipe that I am now thrilled to share with all of you. After overcoming fear and dealing with impostor syndrome, I have finally found the courage to walk on the water and introduce my hair growth oil to the public.

Breaking Barriers: ampion Beauty

Initially, I hesitated to make my hair growth oil available because, like many others, I moved away from using raw oils. I didn’t want to create something that people didn’t care about. But then, I reflected on the undeniable results showcased in my before and after pictures. Those pictures speak volumes, and I believe they enter the chat with unwavering evidence.

Furthermore, I understand that not everyone adheres to strict natural hair rules. It’s a personal choice, and I respect that. I, too, am currently wearing a unit, exploring the freedom of styling as part of my hair journey. However, I have personally experienced the benefits of my hair growth oil, especially after my big chop last year. As I focus on regrowing my hair, I want to share this product with all of you.

Unlock Your Hair’s Full Potential

ampion Beauty’s hair growth oil is the culmination of my personal journey, prayer, and the expertise I’ve gathered throughout the years. I have poured my heart into this creation, ensuring that it nurtures and stimulates hair growth while promoting overall hair health.

No matter where you are on your own hair journey, whether you embrace natural hair or prefer to experiment with different styles, ampion Beauty is here to support you. Join me as we embark on this exhilarating adventure, unlocking the full potential of our hair.

Introducing ampion Beauty

Let’s delve into the story behind the name of my beauty brand, ampion Beauty. You might wonder why I chose to include “Beauty” instead of “Hair Care” in the name. Well, let me explain. The word “ampion” holds a special significance for me. It is my way of paying tribute to one of the most important people in my life.

Curious about the meaning of ampion? If you head to and look up the translation of “Champion,” you’ll discover that it is a Croatian word, and it means “the champion.” Now, who is the champion in my life? It’s none other than my son. Naming my company ampion Beauty is my way of honoring and celebrating him.

Aim to Create More Than Just Hair Products

While I do have a genuine passion for hair growth and oil hair products, my aspirations for ampion Beauty go beyond that. I want to offer a range of self-care products that resonate with all of us, particularly mothers like myself. Personal care goes beyond just hair, and as a mother, I understand the importance of taking care of ourselves in various ways.

However, accomplishing these goals requires substantial investment. To ensure quality, I must prioritize factors such as testing, shelf stabilization, and thorough research. Naturally, all of this comes at a significant cost. Instead of waiting indefinitely for the enormous sums of money necessary to execute my vision, I decided to start small, beginning with my hair growth oil.

Praying for ampion Beauty’s Success

As ampion Beauty continues to grow, I pray that it flourishes as a company. My intentions reach far beyond simply creating a hair growth oil. I envision a line of products that encompass self-care in its entirety. Nonetheless, I acknowledge the financial requirements of achieving such goals and the need for careful planning.

By starting with the hair growth oil, I can establish a foundation upon which to build my brand. With this humble beginning, I hope to garner enough success and resources to expand and venture into new products that cater to the diverse needs of individuals seeking self-care.

Though the journey may be uncertain and challenging, I am determined and excited to see where ampion Beauty will take me. The love and support I have received thus far motivate and inspire me to dream big and do what it takes to make ampion Beauty a true champion in the beauty industry.

ampion Beauty: A Journey to Success

Overcoming Obstacles

Starting my own beauty brand, ampion Beauty, has been a rollercoaster ride filled with challenges and setbacks. Despite the countless hurdles, I remain determined to provide quality products that make us feel like champions.

A Stumbling Start

Setting up the website was the first obstacle I encountered. Unfortunately, I faced issues due to some last name changes, resulting in flagged fraud suspicions. It was a frustrating experience, but I persevered and resolved the misunderstanding.

Dealing with Doubts

Things didn’t get any easier when PayPal also questioned the legitimacy of my brand, labeling me as a potential scammer. I couldn’t help but wonder, “What is going on?” It was disheartening to face such skepticism, especially when my intention was to bring joy and confidence to customers.

The Labeling Mishap

In the past, I had a trusted label making company for my products. However, this time I decided to explore new options. Regrettably, the new company completely botched the job, leaving me with labels that were far from satisfactory. It was a disappointment, and I couldn’t showcase the product pictures as I had envisioned.

Battling Impostor Syndrome

Impostor syndrome has haunted me for a long time, continuously delaying the launch of my company. I’ve gone through transformative life changes, and these uncertainties have held me back. I wanted to be transparent with my audience, as they have supported me throughout it all.

A Fresh Start with ampion Beauty

Despite the challenges and delays, I am excited to finally introduce ampion Beauty. This brand is a result of my passion, hard work, and dedication. I want to expand beyond my initial product and provide a wide range of beauty items that empower and inspire us all.

Embracing the Journey

The journey of starting my own beauty brand has been perplexing and overwhelming, but it has also been incredibly rewarding. Through the ups and downs, I have grown both personally and professionally. I am grateful for the support of my loyal customers and followers who have been by my side throughout this endeavor.

ampion Beauty: Empowering Beauty

With ampion Beauty, I aim to empower individuals to embrace their unique beauty. It is not only a brand; it is a movement that encourages self-confidence and self-expression. Together, let’s conquer the world and feel like true champions.

Introducing ampion Beauty

Last year was a rollercoaster for me. It brought about a change that I never saw coming, and it was one of the most painful experiences of my life. Despite my efforts to resist this change, it happened anyway. It left me feeling like a failure, as though I had given my all to something that didn’t work out. I became skeptical about trying new things after that.

However, the encouragement I received from all of you on Instagram gave me the courage to give it another shot. I told myself that I was tired of being scared and tired of playing it safe. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and take a leap of faith. So, no matter what obstacles came my way, I decided that today was the day to go live with my new venture – ampion Beauty.

The Challenges Along the Way

Launching ampion Beauty has not been without its fair share of obstacles. The website has had its glitches, and I have been tirelessly trying to edit and fix it. Things have been rough, to say the least. But despite these challenges, I managed to get it just enough to go live.

Yes, it may not be perfect. I don’t have the professional pictures or the fancy labels yet. But I refuse to let my past failure confine me to a box. I am choosing to trust in God’s plan for me and to believe that He will do something amazing.

A Leap of Faith

Making my product available to the public is not just about sales or making a profit. It’s about the fact that I took a leap of faith. Even if nobody buys it, I am proud of myself for stepping out and embracing the unknown.

I have learned that life is too short to let fear dictate my decisions. I am tired of running away from opportunities because they seem too risky. It’s time for me to walk on water, to push myself beyond my limits, and to see what I am truly capable of.

The Journey Ahead

ampion Beauty is just the beginning. I may not have it all figured out yet, but I am determined to grow and improve as I go along. This is a journey of self-discovery, learning, and growth. I know there will be challenges and setbacks, but I am ready to face them head-on.

I believe in the power of perseverance and the strength that comes from stepping out into the unknown. And who knows, maybe ampion Beauty will exceed all expectations and become something truly remarkable.

So, here I am, standing at the starting line, ready to embark on this exciting adventure. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Your belief in me gives me the strength and courage to chase my dreams. Together, we will make ampion Beauty a brand that inspires and empowers.

No matter what lies ahead, I am choosing to trust in the journey and have faith that the best is yet to come. Stay tuned for updates and get ready to discover the beauty of ampion.

Introducing ampion Beauty: A Dream Come True

The excitement is palpable as ampion Beauty makes its grand debut! This moment means the world to me, perhaps even more than you can fathom. Today, I am thrilled to announce that ampion Beauty is available for pre-order. This pre-order initiative holds special significance for me, after a previous sale that unexpectedly soared through the roof.

The Overwhelming Demand

The last time I launched a sale, it was a whirlwind. Within a mere 45 minutes of announcing it on Instagram, my entire inventory was completely wiped out. The response was overwhelming, astonishing me with its fervor. I had anticipated having days to fulfill orders, but the incredible demand even caught me off guard. It was a humbling experience that made me realize the immense support I have from my loyal followers.

A Lesson Learned

In the aftermath of the mad rush, I took a step back and reevaluated my approach. I realized that instead of hastily putting something together just to meet the demand, I needed to prioritize quality. Rushing through the process could jeopardize the integrity of my products. So, this time around, I decided to offer a pre-order option.

The Importance of Pre-Order

By opting for pre-order, I can dedicate ample time to meticulously curate and assemble every product. This will ensure that each item is of the highest quality, without any compromise. I want to provide an extraordinary experience for my customers, free from any rushed mishaps that could potentially taint the brand’s reputation.

A Look Ahead

The journey has only just begun. ampion Beauty’s launch marks the first step of many towards an exhilarating future. I have placed my trust in a higher power and promised myself to seize every opportunity presented to me. With determination, I will chase after success, just like walking on water.

Words of Gratitude

To all of you who have taken the time to watch this video, regardless of whether you make a purchase, I am sincerely grateful. Your support and encouragement mean the world to me. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey, and here’s to what lies ahead for ampion Beauty!

I Believe in Myself Again

Throughout the years, I have been overwhelmed by the support I have received from all of you. Your belief in me has reignited a spark within me and made me realize that anything is possible. There was a moment when I lost faith in myself, but your kind messages and love pulled me through. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being there.

Introducing ampion Beauty

Today marks a new chapter in my life as I introduce my very own beauty brand, ampion Beauty. This has been a long time coming, and I can’t express how grateful I am to be taking this step. When I announced my retirement from Wig content, it was because I knew something bigger was on the horizon. Instead of building other people’s companies, I decided to trust in the abilities and talents that God has bestowed upon me.

A Baby Step in the Right Direction

Launching ampion Beauty might be a small step, but it is undeniably a step in the right direction. I am filled with anticipation to see where this journey will take us in the coming year. I have poured my heart and soul into creating quality products that reflect my passion for beauty and self-expression. I can’t wait to share them with all of you.

A Promise to Give Back

One thing I want to emphasize is that if ampion Beauty achieves the success I believe it will, I am committed to giving back to the community. I have personally experienced the struggle of losing a job and facing financial difficulties. It led to eviction, and I understand the immense impact a little help can make. That’s why I will be launching a monthly giveaway program to support those who are going through tough times.

Looking Ahead

As I embark on this new adventure, I am filled with both excitement and gratitude. I am grateful for your unwavering support and for pushing me to believe in myself again. ampion Beauty is just the beginning, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Thank you for joining me on this journey and for being a part of the ampion Beauty family. Together, we will shine and inspire others to embrace their own beauty.

Introducing ampion Beauty!

Chile, let me tell you about the exciting new chapter in my life – the birth of ampion Beauty! I can’t even express the gratitude I feel towards God for blessing me with this opportunity. When I started this venture, I made a promise to myself and to others that it wouldn’t be just about making money. Giving back is something I feel strongly about, and that’s why I’ve decided to pay one lucky individual’s rent every month.

Giving Back with ampion Beauty

I understand that not everyone is as fortunate as I am, and that’s why I want to help in whatever way I can. By selecting someone each month and paying their rent, I hope to make a tangible difference in their lives. The timing of this initiative will depend on the funds accrued, but I wanted to make it known that I am committed to this cause.

Continuing with Haircare Content

Now, you might be wondering if this means I’ll be stepping away from creating haircare content. Rest assured, that is not the case! Hair care is still a significant part of my life, and I’ll continue sharing tips, tricks, and product recommendations with you all.

Although ampion Beauty doesn’t currently offer shampoo, conditioner, or other haircare products, I do have a fantastic hair growth oil that I’m excited to introduce to you. So, don’t worry, the haircare journey continues!

Welcome to ampion Beauty

I want to extend a warm welcome to all of you as we embark on this exciting new chapter together. ampion Beauty is not just about creating a brand; it’s about fostering a community where we uplift and support one another. I am incredibly grateful for all the love and blessings you have shown me, and it’s my turn to reciprocate.

Have Questions? Let’s Connect!

If you have any questions or want to know more about ampion Beauty, please feel free to leave a comment below. I am here to engage with each and every one of you. Your support means the world to me, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us.

In this vast world of beauty, ampion Beauty strives to be a beacon of hope and empowerment. Through our hair growth oil, we aim to inspire confidence and assist individuals in achieving their desired hair goals. So, step into the realm of ampion Beauty, and together, let’s embrace the power of self-care and self-expression.

ampion Beauty is not just a beauty brand – it’s a testament to my passion for giving back and making a difference. Together, we can uplift and empower others while indulging in all things beauty. Thank you for joining me on this incredible journey, and I look forward to sharing many more exciting things with you in the future. Stay tuned, my loves!

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