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<!-- Skincare Steps I Regret Not Starting In My 20's (As A 35 year old) -->

Skincare Steps I Regret Not Starting In My 20’s

As a 35-year-old, I can’t help but look back and wish I had taken better care of my skin in my 20s. One of the biggest regrets I have is not using sunscreen religiously every day. I always thought that because I had olive skin, I didn’t need to protect myself from the sun’s harmful rays. But now, I can see the damage it has caused over the years.

Another skincare step I wish I had started earlier is using a retinol serum. Retinol is known for its anti-aging properties and can help with fine lines, wrinkles, and overall skin texture. If I had started using it in my 20s, maybe I wouldn’t be so concerned about signs of aging now.

Lastly, I regret not establishing a consistent skincare routine in my 20s. I would often go to bed without removing my makeup or applying any skincare products. Now, I know how important it is to take care of your skin every day, no matter how tired you are.

Steps I’m Glad I Didn’t!

Despite the regrets I have about my skincare habits in my 20s, there are also some steps that I’m glad I didn’t take. One of them is avoiding harsh chemical peels and treatments that could have damaged my skin in the long run. I’m grateful that I stuck to gentler, more natural skincare products instead.

Additionally, I’m thankful that I didn’t succumb to the pressure of getting cosmetic procedures done in my 20s. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to enhance your appearance, I’m happy that I embraced my natural beauty and focused on taking care of my skin from the inside out.

Overall, while there are definitely some skincare steps I regret not starting in my 20s, I’m also grateful for the ones I didn’t take. It’s all about learning from the past and making positive changes for the future, no matter your age.

Skincare Steps I Regret Not Starting In My 20’s

As a 35-year-old, I can’t help but look back and regret not paying more attention to my skincare routine in my 20s. I see now the importance of taking care of my skin from a young age, and I wish I had started sooner. The signs of aging are starting to show, and I know that if I had been more diligent in my 20s, I might have been able to prevent some of these effects.

Steps I’m Glad I Didn’t Skip

While there are certainly some skincare steps I regret not starting earlier, there are also some that I’m glad I didn’t skip. For example, I have always made sure to cleanse my skin regularly, and I’m grateful for that. I also prioritize hydration, using products like toner to keep my skin moisturized. These steps have helped me maintain some level of skin health and I’m thankful that I didn’t neglect them.

Aging Gracefully

Now that I am in my mid-30s, I find myself looking ahead to the next chapter of my life. I see how people in their 40s take care of themselves and I have a newfound respect for their dedication to skincare. I understand that aging is a natural part of life, but I also believe in doing what I can to care for my skin and maintain a healthy appearance. I want to age gracefully, with confidence and self-assurance.

The Importance of Hand Care

One skincare step that I regret not focusing on earlier is hand care. They say that the first signs of aging appear on your hands and neck, and I can see that now. I wish I had paid more attention to moisturizing and protecting my hands from a young age. Our hands are exposed to the elements just as much as our faces, and neglecting them can lead to premature aging. Moving forward, I plan to give my hands the care and attention they deserve.

Skincare Steps I Regret Not Starting In My 20’s (As A 35 year old)

When I use a serum? It all goes on my hands. I have done anyway, not so much since I’ve been doing gel manicures, because I wear sunscreen when I do gel manicures and UV gloves so I’m protected. But I also just think, why have I not been treating my hands the way they should be treated? I knock them all the time. They do everything for me. They do my skincare. They are such an important part of my body. Then to see them kind of age quicker than the rest of my body, just makes me think I’ve not really been keeping up with hand care as much as I should have been doing. It’s not like a huge regret. I’m not like, “Oh, my God, my hands. They look about 80s.” Nothing like that. It’s just also the fact that I’m like, oh, I need to start treating the rest of my body with a respect that I treat my face just so everything’s even.

Steps I’m Glad I Didn’t!

On that note, sunscreen on hands and neck. I know we’re all very good at applying. “Oh shit, I forgot. I’m going to use the prequel universal dermal spray just to help with my breakouts and irritation.” And then we have to let that sink in and dry on the skin. Sunscreen on hands and neck. I know we are all very diligent with sunscreen nowadays but again neck a little less so.

Skincare Steps I Regret Not Starting In My 20’s

Throughout my 20’s, I often neglected the importance of proper skincare. I would sometimes choose convenience over quality when it came to protecting my skin from harmful UV rays. One particular habit that I now regret is using a roll-on sunscreen only on specific areas such as my ears, neck, and hands. I failed to realize that these areas are just as susceptible to sun damage as the rest of my body.

Importance of Sunscreen for Hands

As I delved into gel manicures and became a licensed nail technician, I learned about the significance of protecting the skin on our hands. Many people underestimate the impact of UV exposure on the hands, assuming that brief exposure to a UV lamp during nail treatments is more concerning. However, the truth is that constant exposure to UV light throughout the year, especially in the summer, significantly contributes to skin aging and can even lead to skin cancer.

Neglecting Sunscreen on Body

There were instances when I would go out wearing just a t-shirt without applying sunscreen on my body. This careless attitude towards sun protection exposed my skin to unnecessary risks. I now realize the importance of covering all exposed areas with sunscreen to shield my skin from harmful UV radiation.

Steps I’m Glad I Didn’t Skip

Despite overlooking certain aspects of skincare in my younger years, there are some steps I’m grateful I didn’t neglect. One of these is maintaining a consistent skincare routine that includes cleansing, moisturizing, and applying sunscreen daily. By adhering to these essential practices, I’ve been able to preserve the health and vitality of my skin over the years.

Regrets: Neglecting Neck Skincare

I just seem to be more diligent with my neck as well. Your neck is one of those areas where you first start seeing a difference in your skin texture. I’ve started to notice lines on my neck recently, which may not have been as obvious if I had been as diligent with sunscreen on my face.

Regrets: Lack of Consistent Sunscreen Use

I do think you see a difference when it comes to texture and lines on my neck. It doesn’t massively bother me to be honest. It’s one of those things where I wonder why I’m not treating the rest of my body with the same respect as I treat my face.

Glad I Didn’t: Regular Serum Use

I’m going in with my Beekman 1802 Milk Drops Ceramide Serum. I love this serum and use it twice a day. It’s one of my favorite ceramide serums, despite the slight playdohy smell due to being unscented.

Glad I Didn’t: Importance of Eye Cream

I used to think eye cream was a waste of money and that sunscreen was just expensive moisturizer in a tiny bottle. However, I’ve come to realize the importance of using eye cream for the delicate skin around the eyes.

Regrets: Not Using Eye Creams in My 20’s

There are little eye creams that are just the brands moisturizer repackaged. Now I do get. There are nuances. Here. Heres, my personal take. The skin under our eyes is so delicate. So delicate. And the thing is with a moisturizer: yes, it might do the job, but that skin is so thin. Sometimes it could be too thin. Sometimes it could be too thick. Eye creams are made for that delicate skin under your eyes.

Benefits of Using Eye Creams

Now when it comes to actually seeing differences under my eyes, there are certain ingredients I look for in under eye creams that aren’t in moisturizers. Caffeine being an amazing one. You get certain retinols that are formulated to be gentle enough to be used under eyes. There are ingredients and formulations that work perfectly for under your eyes, versus a moisturizer that is literally just targeting the rest of the skin around your face. So why not use an eye cream?

Affordable Options Available

Some of them are scams, yes, but you can get really affordable eye creams from brands like The Inkey List, The Ordinary, and ELF. All these brands offer eye creams with effective ingredients for that more delicate skin. I don’t have time to experiment with moisturizers anymore.

Avoiding Mistakes

I don’t want to be using something too heavy under my skin that I get those little white dots. I forgot they’re cool now. Oh my God. Sorry. It’s like 0800 in the morning. And then as somebody with oily skin as well in the past, I don’t want to be using something that’s too light that doesn’t do anything, that’s not giving that delicate skin under my eyes enough.

Skincare Steps I Regret Not Starting In My 20’s

As a 35-year-old, I can’t help but lament the fact that I didn’t start using eye creams and reusable eye patches earlier in my skincare routine. I now realize that dedicating just 30 seconds to taking care of the delicate skin around my eyes can make a significant difference in how tired and aged I appear. The availability of affordable skincare brands and potent ingredients today makes it easier than ever to incorporate these essential products into my daily regimen.

Obsession with Antiaging

Looking back, I find it absurd that I was so preoccupied with fine lines and wrinkles in my early 20s when my skin was still youthful and smooth. The pressures of society and the beauty industry often make us believe that aging is something to be feared and fought against at all costs. However, I now understand that age is a natural process, and there’s beauty in embracing it gracefully.

Unnecessary Use of Retinol

One of the skincare steps I regret is starting to use retinol at such a young age. In my 20s, I was misled by the notion that preventative measures were necessary to combat aging. However, in reality, my skin was still resilient and didn’t require such potent treatments. It’s crucial to remember that skincare should be tailored to individual needs and concerns, rather than following trends blindly.

Steps I’m Glad I Didn’t Take

On the positive side, I’m grateful that I didn’t succumb to the pressure of achieving perfect skin devoid of any imperfections. The notion of flawless beauty propagated by the media can be overwhelming and unrealistic. I’ve come to appreciate the unique character and charm that each line and wrinkle on my face signifies, a testament to the experiences and emotions etched on my skin.

Using Preventative Botox

I did get Botox when I started to notice that my natural face is like a frown. I was doing this a lot, so I was getting like these little lines here. And when I laugh, I literally laugh like this. So I did get Botox when I noticed that my everyday expressions were kind of exacerbating those fine lines and I was noticing them getting a lot deeper.

Starting Retinol Early

Retinol. Use. Retinol whenever. There’s no harm in using retinol at a younger age, Twenty’s plus. But this whole Preventative Botox. This baby Botox. I really don’t think it makes much of a difference. Unless you have really deep set lines, you got nothing to worry about. Just get Botox when you see a wrinkle. Just get Botox when you see a line. Don’t stress about it up until then, or don’t get Botox at all. It’s completely up to you.

Not Obsessing Over Anti-aging

I do feel like had I been less worried about well aging and antiaging at such a young age, maybe my rosacea wouldn’t be as bad. Maybe if I had just focused on what was the issue at the time, rather than planning ahead 10-15 years. Like I don’t even have wrinkles now. I don’t know why I’m worried about it now. I get Botox here and there and that’s about it. But why was I worrying about such a long term future thing, instead of focusing on what was going on on my skin there.

Keeping Skincare Routine Basic

I hate to say this, but keep your routine basic. If you’re young and your skin is near perfect, don’t complicate things. Sometimes, less is more when it comes to skincare. Stick to the basics like cleansing, moisturizing, and using sunscreen. You don’t need a dozen products to achieve healthy skin.

Regret: Not Starting a Consistent Skincare Routine

My job is to review skincare, and that’s why I’ve kind of gone away from constant product reviews because my skin can’t take it anymore. I can’t take it anymore. There’s no need for me to be doing it anymore. I would move more into commentary stuff because I can’t keep doing that to my skin.

Regret: Neglecting Sunscreen Protection

Skincare had a huge boom during lockdown, and now I think we’re all fairly well-educated. Skinfluencers are part of the problem too. But the rise of skincare kind of made skincare become like makeup YouTube, where there’s constant new launches and releases. Every skincare brand has their own version of the same thing, and people almost collect skincare. It’s important to remember the basics, like applying sunscreen daily to protect our skin.

Glad: Sticking to Basic Skincare Steps

Instead of constantly trying out new products, it’s better to stick to the basic steps that work for us and keep it simple. These product reviews are meant for when you run out of a serum and want to try a new version. It’s important to find what works for your skin and stick to it, rather than constantly switching products.

Glad: Avoiding Overcomplicated Skincare Routines

Following the skin cycling trend, which is essentially just how you should be cycling your skincare routine, can be beneficial. By keeping it basic and not overcomplicating things with constant new products, you can maintain healthier skin in the long run.

Skincare Steps I Regret Not Starting In My 20’s

Right.. I do think my skin would be in a much better place if at 25 I was sticking to like vitamin C peptides retinol exfoliating every few days. Youre setting up good skincare habits and youll see that reflected in your skin.

In your what I was a non believer of Red light therapy for the longest time., The longest time I was like it sounds gimmicky.. I dont understand how it works.. Oh Im, going to use this new sunscreen called its the brand Totti.. This is Sophia Lagaras brand, specifically a sunscreen brand., So Im going to go. Its a mineral sunscreen SPF 50 plus antioxidant sunscreen., Broad spectrum, water resistant up to 80 minutes. Ascorbic acid..

So its vitamin C. I wish I started red light therapy at a younger age or Light therapy in general. Now heres the thing. Dermatologists and scientists love red light therapy because it is effective. Its effective.. There are a few videos on TikTok saying like dont. Get botox just do red light, therapy., Not the same thing, but it can help slow down the signs of aging collagen elastin, all that shit.. So I do wish I started., Oh my God, its liquidy., So I do wish. I started that a bit earlier.. I have also seen a dermatologist say that they dont think its worth it. And their reasoning for not thinking its worth red light therapy was worth.

Steps I’m Glad I Didn’t

Right.. I do feel like if at 25 I was sticking to like vitamin C peptides retinol exfoliating every few days. Youre setting up good skincare habits and youll see that reflected in your skin. In your what I was a non believer of Red light therapy for the longest time., The longest time I was like it sounds gimmicky.. I dont understand how it works.. Oh Im, going to use this new sunscreen called its the brand Totti.. This is Sophia Lagaras brand, specifically a sunscreen brand., So Im going to go. Its a mineral sunscreen SPF 50 plus antioxidant sunscreen., Broad spectrum, water resistant up to 80 minutes. Ascorbic acid.

So its vitamin C. I wish I started red light therapy at a younger age or Light therapy in general. Now heres the thing. Dermatologists and scientists love red light therapy because it is effective. Its effective.. There are a few videos on TikTok saying like dont. Get botox just do red light, therapy., Not the same thing, but it can help slow down the signs of aging collagen elastin, all that shit.. So I do wish I started., Oh my God, its liquidy., So I do wish. I started that a bit earlier.. I have also seen a dermatologist say that they dont think its worth it. And their reasoning for not thinking its worth red light therapy was worth.

Regret: Not Starting Red Light Therapy in My 20’s

The hype was because they said you’ve got to be consistent with it. And they were like you’re not going to get the effects that you would do in like a professional clinic unless you’re consistent with it. Isn’t that all skincare Isnt that the point in skincare. You have to be consistent. This is very watery, but quite nice.. I don’t know if it’s making me look pale or not. I can’t see. That’s, the only I would say, downside of red light therapy is, unless you buy I’ve, got like a clinic quality standard one. My Flexmd, which I absolutely love for my rosacea. – I haven’t done it for about three months, which is so bad, but I can see the difference when I use it.. My rosacea calms the fuck down., But if you’ve got one of those ones like the little masks that strap onto your face, you do have to use it so consistently in order to see any difference for a very long time..

Regret: Neglecting My Rosacea Treatment

There are some amazing before and afters. Actually, on TikTok at the moment of people have been using these red light masks for like a year, and you really really do see the difference. And it’s worth keeping up and doing consistently like everything else in skincare.. So I definitely wouldn’t say having to be consistent with. It is a downside whatsoever.. If you can afford the professional quality one, they recommend you use it three times a week instead of every single day which, to be honest with you is more my kind of thing because I just forget then definitely do so.

Glad: Being Consistent with Red Light Therapy Now

The hype was because they said you’ve got to be consistent with it. And they were like you’re not going to get the effects that you would do in like a professional clinic unless you’re consistent with it. Isn’t that all skincare Isnt that the point in skincare. You have to be consistent. This is very watery, but quite nice.. I don’t know if it’s making me look pale or not. I can’t see. That’s, the only I would say, downside of red light therapy is, unless you buy I’ve, got like a clinic quality standard one. My Flexmd, which I absolutely love for my rosacea. – I haven’t done it for about three months, which is so bad, but I can see the difference when I use it.. My rosacea calms the fuck down., But if you’ve got one of those ones like the little masks that strap onto your face, you do have to use it so consistently in order to see any difference for a very long time..

Skincare Steps I Regret Not Starting In My 20’s

But the reason I didn’t start in my 20’s is because it wasn’t mainstream. You couldn’t just go out and buy one as a consumer. This is the Torridin Solid in Lip Essence. It’s supposed to be a dupe for the Hailey Bieber lip products, which I don’t get because it’s literally just a lip balm. Very glossy though.

Back to the hand cream. My only issue with this Mitchell Snow Coat Nourishing Hand Cream is that it always leaks a little, but it’s not the worst. This is kind of out of my comfort zone.

Steps I’m Glad I Didn’t

One thing I wish I did in my twenties was take my diet more seriously. And by that, I don’t mean eating healthy and exercising. I have IBS and I believe I’ve had it for a very long time. Last year, I had to have a colonoscopy and it turns out I just have terrible IBS, not IBD, thank God.

They say there are connections between your gut and your skin. I’ve noticed that when I eat things that flare up my IBS, my skin goes haywire. If I consistently eat poorly for a week, I know my rosacea, in particular, is going to flare up.

Regrets of Not Starting

There isn’t much science between the link of what you eat versus what happens to your skin, but there may potentially be a connection between gut health and rosacea. If I had listened to my body more, paid more attention to what it likes and doesn’t like, and worked harder at making healthier meals in general, I believe my skin would be in a better place today. I wish I had prioritized my gut health earlier on, as I now see the potential impact it can have on my skin.

Missed Opportunities

Looking back, I regret not incorporating a consistent hand cream routine into my skincare regimen. I now realize the importance of keeping the skin on my hands hydrated and nourished. I also wish I had started using sunscreen more regularly in my 20s, as I can see the visible effects of sun damage now. Finding a sunscreen that feels comfortable on the skin can make a big difference in protecting it from harmful UV rays.

A Good Decision

One skincare habit I am glad I didn’t neglect is using a quality sunscreen. While mineral sunscreens can sometimes feel chalky and unpleasant, I found a product that suits my skin well. Protecting my skin from sun damage is crucial for maintaining a healthy and youthful complexion in the long run. I also appreciate the benefits of using a non-sticky hand cream to keep my hands soft and smooth.

As I reflect on my skincare journey, I recognize the importance of listening to my body’s needs and implementing effective habits to maintain healthy skin. While there are some regrets from my 20s, I am also grateful for the steps I have taken to prioritize skincare in my daily routine. By being more mindful of my skin’s well-being and making small changes, I am confident that I can continue to improve and maintain a youthful appearance as I age.

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