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You Shouldn’t Stick to One Brand in Your Skincare Routine

When I first saw this myth circulating, I couldn’t help but be perplexed. Why would anyone discourage sticking to one brand in their skincare routine? It seems to stem from the idea that using a single brand’s products is not necessary, and you can mix and match from different brands. While this may be true to some extent, constantly switching brands in your routine might not be the best approach.

There are actually benefits to sticking to a single brand’s products. One of the main advantages is that it allows you to have a consistent skincare routine. By using products from the same brand, you can ensure that the ingredients and formulations are designed to work together effectively. This can help you achieve better results and avoid potential issues that may arise from mixing incompatible products.

Moreover, constantly changing brands can lead to a chopping and changing out products, which can be a huge issue. With the rise of mass consumerism in skincare, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype of trying the latest products. However, this approach can be detrimental to our skin’s health. Our skin needs time to adjust and adapt to new products, and constantly switching brands can disrupt this process. It’s important to give products enough time to work before jumping onto the next trend.

Natural Products Are Always Better for Your Skin

Another skincare myth that’s still being perpetuated in 2024 is the belief that natural products are always better for your skin. This misconception has been popularized by the clean beauty movement, which advocates for products made with natural and organic ingredients. While natural products can have their benefits, it’s not always the case that they are better for your skin.

The truth is, not all natural ingredients are safe or effective for skincare. Just because an ingredient is derived from nature doesn’t automatically mean it’s suitable for your skin. In fact, some natural ingredients can be irritating, sensitizing, or even allergenic. On the other hand, synthetic ingredients can be formulated to be gentle and effective for various skin concerns.

It’s important to prioritize the proven efficacy and safety of ingredients rather than focusing solely on whether they are natural or synthetic. The skincare industry has come a long way in terms of research and development, and many synthetic ingredients have been carefully tested and proven to deliver positive results. So, don’t dismiss a product solely based on its natural or synthetic origin.

Your Skin Type Determines the Products You Should Use

One skincare myth that seems to persist even in 2024 is the belief that your skin type should solely dictate the products you should use. While it’s true that understanding your skin type can guide you in choosing suitable products, it’s not the only factor to consider.

Our skin’s needs can change due to various factors such as environment, hormones, and age. What may have worked for your skin in the past may no longer be effective. It’s crucial to evaluate your skin’s current condition and concerns when selecting products.

For example, someone with oily skin may assume that they should only use mattifying products to control shine. However, their skin might actually be dehydrated, leading to an overproduction of oil. In this case, using hydrating products would be more beneficial. It’s important to listen to your skin and adapt your skincare routine accordingly.

Exfoliating Every Day is Necessary for Smooth Skin</

Skincare Myth #1: The More Products, the Better

It’s 2024, and it’s high time we debunked the myth that a skincare routine needs to consist of a multitude of products. In fact, Dermatica, our sponsor for this segment, proves that you can achieve great results with just a few key products.

Dermatica, a renowned brand known for its personalized formulas, has recently launched a range of skincare products. And when I say range, it’s not an overwhelming array of items. They have carefully curated a selection of essentials that cover all your skincare needs.

Included in their collection are two cleansers, perfect for a double cleanse, as well as two serums: a Hyaluronic Acid serum and a Vitamin B5 serum. They also offer a new 15% Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid serum, a soothing Centella Gel Moisturizer, a nourishing Ceramide Peptide Moisturizer, a Restoring Ceramides Skin Balm, and SPF 50 Photodamage Defense Sunscreen. With these products, you have everything you need for a basic routine.

So, it’s time to let go of the misconception that using countless products will magically transform your skin. Dermatica’s evidence-based ingredients provide all the nourishment and care your skin needs, without overwhelming it with unnecessary steps.

Skincare Myth #2: Clean Skincare is Always Superior

In the ever-growing world of skincare, the idea of “clean” products has gained popularity. However, it’s important to understand that the term “clean” doesn’t necessarily equate to effectiveness.

Dermatica’s range of products proudly embraces evidence-based ingredients. They don’t rely on the “clean skincare” trend that often focuses solely on excluding certain ingredients. Instead, they prioritize ingredients that have been scientifically proven to benefit the skin.

So, let’s move away from the notion that only products without “nasties” can deliver desirable results. Dermatica’s commitment to efficacy ensures that every product in their range is formulated to address specific skin concerns effectively.

Skincare Myth #3: Customization is Complicated

Many people mistakenly believe that incorporating personalized formulas into their skincare routine is a complex process. However, Dermatica makes it incredibly easy to tailor their products to your specific needs.

If you already use Dermatica’s personalized formulas, you can seamlessly integrate them into the basic routine offered by their skincare range. This allows you to enjoy the benefits of customization without any hassle.

Whether you’re a skincare enthusiast looking to revamp your routine or someone seeking simplicity and efficacy in their skincare, Dermatica offers a solution. Their range provides all the essentials for cleansing, hydration, treatment, moisturization, and protection.

So, why are we still holding on to these skincare myths in 2024? It’s time to shift our perspective and embrace the simplicity and effectiveness that Dermatica’s skincare range offers.

Myth: Gel Moisturizers are Only for Those with Irritated or Oily Skin

In the world of skincare, myths and misconceptions seem to persist, even in the year 2024. One such misconception revolves around gel moisturizers. It has long been believed that gel moisturizers are only suitable for those with irritated, rosacea-prone, or oily skin. However, this belief couldn’t be further from the truth.

Let’s take the example of the Soothing Centella Gel Moisturizer. Yes, it does provide a cooling sensation, but it’s not just because of the minty feeling that many dislike. This moisturizer is actually a great choice for anyone, regardless of their skin type. Its lightweight formula makes it an excellent option for daytime use, especially for those who prefer to avoid heavy moisturizers in their skincare routine.

The cooling sensation of the Centella Gel Moisturizer goes beyond mere refreshment. It also helps with flare-ups and irritation, offering relief to those with sensitive skin. Furthermore, this moisturizer contains Niacinamide, which promotes a smoother and more even complexion. It may even aid in sebum control and pore size reduction. Not to mention the Ceramide blend that supports the skin’s barrier function.

Myth: Hyaluronic Acid Serums Must be Gooey and Unpleasant

When it comes to hydrating the skin, the Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Vitamin B5 Serum takes the crown as my personal favorite in the skincare lineup. However, there seems to be a common belief that Hyaluronic Acid serums are typically gloopy and leave an unpleasant residue on the skin. Allow me to debunk this myth once and for all.

The Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Vitamin B5 Serum has a unique gel-cream texture that sets it apart from other serums on the market. It’s not gooey or frothy; instead, it feels luxurious and instantly hydrating when applied to the skin. While it may not provide an immediate tightening effect, you can’t help but feel a sense of release and rejuvenation.

Of course, the main ingredient in this serum is Hyaluronic Acid, known for its impressive hydrating properties. But that’s not all. Niacinamide and Panthanol are also present in the formula, working together to lock in that much-needed moisture.

It’s essential to question and challenge the skincare myths that persist even in this day and age. The Soothing Centella Gel Moisturizer and the Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Vitamin B5 Serum are prime examples of products that defy traditional assumptions about skincare. Don’t let these myths hold you back from discovering the best skincare routine for your unique needs.

It’s 2024…Why Are We Still Believing These Skincare Myths?!

The Importance of Using a Variety of Skincare Brands

It’s strange to think that in 2024, we still believe the myth that we shouldn’t use products from a single skincare brand. In fact, it may actually be more beneficial to use products from a single brand, especially if you’re confused about skincare and don’t know what to use and when. With all the advancements in the industry, it’s time to question why we still hold on to this outdated belief.

The Truth About Cleansers

Another myth that keeps resurfacing is the idea that cleansers don’t do anything for your skin other than wash your face. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Cleansers play a vital role in your skincare routine and can make a significant difference in the overall health and appearance of your skin.

While it’s true that cleansers wash away the dirt and impurities on your skin’s surface, they also have active ingredients that can address specific skincare concerns. Just like shampoo’s active ingredients provide benefits to your hair, cleansers can deliver active ingredients that improve your skin’s condition.

So why do we still believe that the active ingredients in cleansers are useless? It’s perplexing, considering the impact cleansers can have on our skincare routine.

Questioning Skincare Myths in 2024

We’re in 2024, yet we still find ourselves questioning why these skincare myths persist. Perhaps it’s because some of us find comfort in sticking to old beliefs, even in the face of new and improved information. Or maybe it’s the overwhelming amount of misinformation that circulates the internet.

Regardless of the reason, it’s essential to challenge these myths and educate ourselves on the latest advancements in skincare. By doing so, we can make informed decisions about our skincare routine and achieve the best possible results.

It’s time to let go of these skincare myths. Embracing the use of single brand products and recognizing the value of cleansers with active ingredients can revolutionize your skincare routine. Don’t let outdated beliefs hold you back from achieving healthy, glowing skin in 2024 and beyond.

Cleansers with Actives: Gentle Introduction to Skincare

Cleansers with actives can be a great way to incorporate active ingredients into your skincare routine. These cleansers are often extremely gentle, making them suitable for daily use without other actives in your routine. They can also be beneficial when your skin is going through a rough patch and needs some extra care.

Introducing actives into your cleansers can provide gentle exfoliation, calming and soothing ingredients, as well as skin barrier repairing ingredients – all of which are beneficial for your skin. However, there is a catch. These cleansers require a bit more time and patience, which can be quite annoying, to be honest.

The Myth of the 60-Second Cleansing Rule

The popular belief in the 60-second rule of cleansing is, well, kind of bullshit. The focus during cleansing should be ensuring that you cover all areas of your face, rather than precisely timing it for 60 seconds. It’s more about thoroughness than the actual duration.

Perhaps the reason why 60 seconds is suggested is to ensure that all areas of the face are properly cleansed. It’s not because it takes 60 seconds for the cleanser to work or for your skin to benefit from it. It’s simply a guideline to make sure you’re not missing any areas.

Take Your Time with Actives

When you have actives in your cleansers, it’s important to take your time. Allow these actives to work their magic on your skin before rinsing them away. This way, you can maximize the benefits of the active ingredients.

Most cleansers nowadays have a gentle foam and should not strip your skin. So, feel free to leave the cleanser on your face for an extra 30 seconds before rinsing it off. This extra time can allow your skin to absorb the goodness of the cleanser before you wash it away.

Incorporating cleansers with actives into your skincare routine can be beneficial. However, it’s important to take your time and ensure that you cover all areas of your face. Don’t get caught up in the myth of the 60-second rule – focus on thoroughness instead. And remember, allowing actives to sit on your skin before rinsing can enhance their effectiveness.

The Truth About Expensive Cleansers

It’s 2024, and yet, some skincare myths still persist. One such myth is that cleansers need to be insanely expensive to be effective. Sure, I’ve seen some cleansers on the market that boast ingredients like caviar and other luxurious components, but does that really make a difference? Personally, I don’t think so. I mean, who wants to spend a fortune on a cleanser? I certainly don’t. The truth is, price doesn’t determine a cleanser’s effectiveness. What matters are the ingredients and their potency.

The Importance of Cleansing

Many people underestimate the importance of proper cleansing. They simply wash their face, rinse it off, and move on with their skincare routine. But the truth is, cleansing is not a step to be taken lightly. Depending on your skin condition, skin type, and skincare goals, a well-formulated and affordable cleanser can make a world of difference. Take salicylic acid cleansers, for example. They can be incredibly beneficial for those dealing with acne-prone skin and clogged pores.

Busting the Mineral Oil Myth

Mineral oil has long been demonized in the skincare community as a pore-clogging ingredient. But is this really true? The answer is no. The idea that mineral oil clogs pores and causes acne is a skincare myth that needs to be debunked. The concept of the comedogenic rating and pore-clogging ingredients originated way back in the late 70s or early 80s. There was a study where certain ingredients were applied to a rabbit’s ear, and if it caused pustules or breakouts, it was labeled as comedogenic. But does that mean it will have the same effect on humans? Definitely not. So don’t be afraid to use products with mineral oil if it works for your skin.

Understanding Comedogenic Rating

While we’re on the topic of comedogenic rating, it’s worth mentioning that not all pore-clogging ingredients are created equal. Some people associate acne-safe ingredients with being comedogenic, but that’s not necessarily accurate. The comedogenic rating scale is outdated and doesn’t account for individual skin types and reactions. So just because an ingredient has a higher comedogenic rating doesn’t mean it will automatically cause breakouts for everyone. It’s important to remember that skincare is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Avoiding Skincare Fads

In the world of skincare, trends come and go. What may have been popular in 2008 on Pinterest or in the early days of YouTube might not hold true today. It’s essential to stay informed and not fall for every skincare fad that comes your way. Instead, focus on understanding your own skin, its unique needs, and what works best for you. Don’t let the fear of supposed “pore-clogging” ingredients or outdated ratings dictate your skincare routine.

The Beauty of Personalized Skincare

It’s time to let go of these skincare myths that continue to persist in 2024. The effectiveness of a cleanser is not determined by its price tag, and not all pore-clogging ingredients are harmful to your skin. Embrace

The Myth of Comedogenic Ratings

It’s 2024… Why are we still believing in these skincare myths? One of the most enduring myths in the beauty industry is the idea of comedogenic ratings. These ratings claim to determine how likely a certain ingredient is to clog pores and cause acne. However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that these ratings are not based on sound scientific evidence.

It all began with a study conducted on rabbits’ ears, of all things. The researchers assigned a grade from zero to five to determine the severity of comedogenicity. Zero meant a normal appearance, while five indicated severe acne. But wait a minute, rabbits are not humans!

It’s preposterous to assume that what affects a rabbit’s ear will have the same effect on human skin. This kind of flawed logic is what has perpetuated the belief in these skincare myths for far too long. We need to question the validity of these studies and their relevance to our own skin.

The Human Back Test

The researchers later updated their study by testing these comedogenic ingredients on human skin. However, they made a significant oversight – they conducted the test on the skin of the human back. This is a vastly different type of skin compared to the delicate skin on our faces. So, how can we trust the results of this study when it doesn’t reflect the reality of how these ingredients interact with our facial skin?

The Inclusive Layer Factor

Another flaw in these comedogenic ratings is the fact that the ingredients are tested under an inclusive layer. In real life, we rarely apply products in such a way. This means that the results of these studies may not accurately represent how these ingredients would behave when applied in a normal skincare routine. So, relying on these ratings to determine the suitability of a product can be misleading.

The Problem with App Ratings

Apps like the EWG Think Dirty have gained popularity among skincare enthusiasts. They claim to provide detailed analysis of ingredient lists, rating them as comedogenic or non-comedogenic. However, we need to approach these ratings with caution. They often oversimplify the complexity of skincare formulations and fail to consider how ingredients work together in a product.

Labels like “comedogenic” are not a definitive on whether an ingredient will cause breakouts or not. The way an ingredient is formulated and its interaction with other ingredients can have a significant impact on its effect on the skin. So, relying solely on these ratings can lead to a skewed perception of skincare products.

A Call for Critical Thinking

As we enter 2024, it’s time to challenge the skincare myths that have held us back for so long. We should question the validity of studies conducted on animals, as they often do not accurately reflect how ingredients interact with human skin. Let’s encourage a more nuanced approach to skincare, where we consider the overall formulation and how it works with our unique skin.

Let’s put an end to blindly believing in these skincare myths and instead, embrace a more critical and informed perspective. Our skin deserves better than outdated beliefs and oversimplified ratings. It’s time to move forward and break free from the constraints of these myths that have limited our understanding of skincare for far too

The Truth About Skincare Ingredients

In these tests, skincare products were not used on the subjects. Instead, they applied single ingredients. One example is denatured alcohol, which is commonly found in moisturizers. However, denatured alcohol on its own can be extremely drying and evaporates quickly. But that doesn’t mean it will have the same effect when formulated into a product.

The Comedogenic Myth

Some ingredients, like squalane, are listed as comedogenic, meaning they have the potential to clog pores and worsen acne. However, this classification doesn’t necessarily mean that a product containing these ingredients will have the same effect. The formulation as a whole matters. Each person’s skin will react differently, so there isn’t a one-size-fits-all rule when it comes to comedogenic ingredients.

Testing the Product Yourself

The only way to truly know if a product will cause breakouts or clog pores is to try it for yourself. Thick products are often criticized for triggering acne, but this is not always the case. There are lists of comedogenic ingredients to avoid, but these should be taken with a grain of salt. Online advice may not be reliable when it comes to your own skin.

The Limitations of Testing

It’s important to note that these tests were only conducted on a small sample size of ten people. This is considered a very small and limited group to draw s from. As a result, many ingredients have received an unjustifiably bad reputation based on such tests.

Although it is 2024, the continued belief in these skincare myths highlights the complexity and ambiguity that surrounds the world of skincare. The effectiveness of ingredients cannot be determined solely by their individual properties, but rather by how they are formulated and how they interact with each individual’s unique skin. Skincare is a personal journey of trial and error, as no two people’s skin react the same way. It’s time to move beyond these persistent myths and embrace a more nuanced understanding of skincare.

The Myth of Comedogenic Ratings

It’s 2024, and yet we still find ourselves falling for the skincare myth of comedogenic ratings. We rely on these numbers as an indicator of how likely a product is to cause breakouts. But let me tell you, it’s not as accurate as you might think.

Sure, if you notice that certain products tend to break you out, the comedogenic rating can offer some guidance. It’s a rough guide, emphasis on rough. But in reality, it doesn’t hold much weight. Don’t dismiss a product just because it ranks high on the comedogenic scale. It doesn’t necessarily mean it will wreak havoc on your skin.

The Truth About Micellar Water

Let’s address another skincare myth that persists in 2024 – the idea that micellar waters need to be rinsed off. Now, I won’t deny that there are some truly terrible micellar waters out there. But it’s not a one-size-fits-all formula.

Michelle from Lab Muffin has an excellent video explaining the intricacies of micellar water. She reveals that these products are not just soapy water in a fancy package. They are formulated with surfactants that are designed to be gentle and leave on the skin. They are not the same surfactants you’ll find in other cleansers.

The Indecisiveness of Micellar Water

So, should you rinse off micellar water or not? The answer is not a straightforward yes or no. It depends on your skin and personal preference. TikTok has seen its fair share of people claiming that micellar water must be rinsed off, but that’s simply not true.

Micellar water is meant to be a convenient option, especially for those who can’t easily access a sink or are on the go. It’s supposed to simplify our skincare routines, not complicate them with unnecessary steps.

The Perplexing Skincare Landscape

As we navigate the ever-evolving world of skincare in 2024, it’s clear that old myths continue to linger. We must approach skincare advice with caution, recognizing that not everything we hear or read is necessarily true.

Let’s embrace the variability of our own skin and not get caught up in the dogma of skincare myths. It’s time to challenge conventional wisdom and explore what truly works for us individually.

Remember, it’s 2024. Why are we still believing these skincare myths?

The Convenience of Micellar Water

For many people, coming home after a night out and quickly rinsing their face with micellar water is a routine they swear by. Its convenience cannot be denied, and it is even a great option to take with you when going camping. Speaking of which, I can recall a time when I went camping, although it was only once. But I digress. The point is, micellar water was designed for its convenience, and it certainly lives up to that expectation.

The Summer Crap and Garnier

However, it seems that not all micellar waters are created equal. Take, for example, Garnier. My brother absolutely loves this brand and has no issues leaving it on his skin. Unfortunately, my skin does not have the same reaction. It becomes red, inflamed, and itchy if I even leave it on for a mere 2 seconds. So, do I now rinse off every micellar water I use? Absolutely not! There’s no point in that. If I’m going to rinse off micellar water, I might as well just use a normal cleanser, like Bioderma.

The Amazing Micellar Water

Bioderma is truly an amazing micellar water that is actually made to be left on the skin. This is especially helpful for those who live in areas where the water isn’t as clean. With Bioderma, you can leave it on your skin without any issue. Of course, it may not work for everyone, but that’s the case with any skincare product. At the end of the day, you should always look at the instructions. If it tells you to leave it on, then leave it on. If it tells you to rinse it off, then rinse it off. And if it makes you break out, then it’s time to try another one.

Don’t Rinse Off Your Micellar Water

What perplexes me is when people are advising others to rinse off their micellar water. It seems counterintuitive, as the whole point of micellar water is to avoid using water in any way. So why go through the extra step of rinsing it off? If you find yourself doing that, you might as well just wash your face with a regular cleanser. The beauty of micellar water lies in its waterless application, so let’s embrace that and enjoy the convenience it offers!

The Perplexing Persistence of Skincare Myths in 2024

It’s 2024, and one would think that in this age of advanced technology and information, skincare myths would be a thing of the past. Yet, much to my perplexity, these myths continue to persist, plaguing our understanding of effective skincare practices. It is disheartening to see that despite the plethora of knowledge available to us, many still hold on to outdated beliefs that hinder the progress of our skincare journey.

Being Stuck in the Past: TikTok vs. YouTube

As I delve into the realm of skincare content, it becomes evident that certain platforms are lagging behind in delivering accurate information. TikTok, with its quick-paced and easily consumable format, is a hotspot for skincare trends and advice. However, it is dismaying to witness how this platform is often four to five years behind the wealth of knowledge shared on YouTube.

While influencers have played a significant role in educating us about skincare, it is the professionals who revolutionized the way we care for our skin. These experts took to the online space several years ago, imparting invaluable wisdom that has shaped the skincare community. Sadly, their voices often get drowned out amidst the frenzy of TikTok, where misinformation can spread like wildfire.

Empowering the Skincare Community

In order to rectify this situation, it is essential for those of us who are active on TikTok to interact with skincare professionals. These are the individuals who provide reliable and evidence-based information. By supporting and amplifying their voices, we can help steer the misguided masses towards accurate skincare practices.

One such initiative that deserves praise is Dermatica, who has generously sponsored this segment of today’s video. Their support enables us to continue spreading awareness about the importance of debunking skincare myths. I encourage you to make use of the discount codes provided (find them in the description box below) so that you can explore Dermatica’s quality skincare products and services.

Busting the Myths

Now, let’s delve into a few of the persistent skincare myths that continue to mislead many:

Myth 1: Washing your face with hot water opens up your pores.

The truth is that pores do not possess muscles and therefore cannot open or close. Washing your face with hot water may temporarily dilate blood vessels, giving the illusion of “open” pores, but in reality, it has no significant impact on your skin’s health or appearance.

Myth 2: You don’t need sunscreen on cloudy days.

Clouds may provide some filtration for UV rays, but harmful radiation can still penetrate through and damage your skin. Regardless of the weather conditions, it is crucial to apply sunscreen every day to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

Myth 3: Natural products are always better for your skin.

While the allure of natural ingredients is understandable, it is important to remember that effectiveness and safety should be the primary factors considered when choosing skincare products. Natural ingredients may have their benefits, but it is crucial to consult professionals and rely on evidence-based research to make informed decisions.</

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